Wednesday 5 October 2011

Wikipedia supporting the protesters of Wiretap law by hiding it's pages(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Italian edition of Wikipedia has all but one line of input, to protest against a draft law governing the confidentiality restrictions of the publication of telephone tapping by the police.

Transcripts of telephone conversations, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on trial for corruption and with underage prostitutes in embarrassment.

The bill would force sites to change the content within 48 hours if the topic keeps harmful or prejudiced.

Italian protesters gathered outside Parliament wearing gags in Rome.

MPs have begun discussing a change that the right of newspapers and other sites to phone taps during a police investigation would limit release.

"Restriction of freedom"

Wikipedia says, he could pick up the Italian side, permanently, if the laws are adopted. Changes should be made public within 48 hours, at the request of the person filing without a court or an independent arbitrator.

In an open letter to his Italian readers, Wikipedia said: "The obligation to publish on our Web site correction ... without even discussing the right to review the request and an unacceptable restriction of freedom and independence is the Wikipedia."

Berlusconi said that the law - which made their way to the Parliament for over a year - is needed to protect the rights of private citizens.

Last month, the Italian news agency published pages of transcripts of telephone conversations of Mr. Berlusconi, recorded during an investigation into whether Prime Minister was a businessman, said he provided prostitutes for parts blackmailed by Mr Berlusconi.

In one, he mocked Italy and said he wanted to leave the country. In another, he used a gross insult to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel described.

Berlusconi denies all the allegations against him and said he is the victim left the judges decided to push him from office.

He began trying to privacy laws in Italy, shortly after he put on was re-elected in 2008.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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