Tuesday 25 October 2011

Video depicting the person claiming to shoot Gaddafi (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Video has pictures of fighters loyal to the National Transitional Government of Libya, said the councilman, the murderers of former Libyan leader MuammarGaddafi will develop.

Today his body is on public display, and it is still unclear where he is buried.

Meanwhile, Gaddafi's son Saadi Gaddafi, said she was "outraged by ferociousbrutality" against his father and brother Muatassim, who were killed last week showed.

Additional video clips show the last moments of Gaddafi dripping slowly, and are probably examined in the coming days the United Nations, human rights organizations, and come in recent times, says the United States, an investigation into the death of Qaddafi and your child.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

 Source: www.youtube.com/



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