Monday 10 October 2011

Hospital sued in Russia due to mixing of Children (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Two families sued Russia in their local maternity baby bad for them 12 years ago.

Denied the truth emerged after the former husband of one of the mothers, child support to pay for his daughter, said she bore no resemblance to him. 

DNA testing in the Kopeisk city where they did not seem connected to their parents. 

Police later followed the girl, of course, parents who have found raising a child of another family. Neither girl wants to leave their homes. 

The two families in the city of the Urals are now calling rubles 5m (£ 101 000: $ 158,300) compensation. 

But they can not bring criminal charges against individual employees, for so many years have passed since the babies were given to parents wrong. 

Tags bad name 
If the divorce came Yuliya Belyaeva earlier this year, her ex-husband refused to pay for maintenance. He does not believe he is the father of her daughter, Irina was. 

While Ms. Belyaeva took him to court. The judge ordered DNA tests be performed. These tests showed an amazing truth. 

"We have two DNA tests," Yuliya said by telephone from his home town. "Both tests showed that neither my ex-husband nor I were the biological parents of Irina." 

"The judge could not believe it. She said she had only seen cases like this on TV and do not know what they consult us. " 

Ms. Belyaeva redesigned in December 1998 and the day she gave birth to Irina. 

She remembers there was another woman was still working in their communities.She realized it was a terrible mess: 12 years ago, the two babies were given the wrong name badge. And parents wrong. 

"I have a copy of the results of DNA tests and go directly to the prosecutor. There, I filed a formal complaint about this, as filed in the baby wrong to motherhood." 

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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