Wednesday 19 October 2011

First visit of High level US official to post-Gaddafi Libya: Hillary in Tripoli (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the unexpected visit to Libya to show U.S. support for the transitional government, as irreducible forces loyal to Moamar Gaddafi launched the attack in his home town of Sirte.

Clinton's first cabinet member to visit the U.S. capital city of Tripoli, 42 years as refugees exiled leader to govern.

His visit comes amid reports of Australian aid worker was killed in Libya.

His arrival was marked by strict security measures, reflecting concerns that the new leader still establish full control of the country.

Clinton's visit to cement cooperation with the new government and help move towards democracy.

She recommended that the National Transitional Council (CNT) to fulfill the commitments to move quickly to vote.

"It's time to Libya. It is a victory Libya. The future belongs to you," she says, eight months after Libya rose against Gaddafi, triggering a conflict that killed thousands of people.

But he also warned against the danger of civil war.

"One of the factors that we know need to face is the unification of various militia groups in a Libyan army to represent the people," she said.

"The introduction of the national army and police force under civilian command is necessary."

The United States also offers practical assistance to Libya to contain thousands of weapons flooding in the country due to war to oust Qadhafi.Security experts say it could fall into the hands of al-Qaeda.

United States participate in the NATO bombing, which contributed to the NTC, although his aircraft played a secondary role in relation to Britain and France.

Reversal of Sirte

Nearly two months after the capture of Tripoli NTC failed to defeat Gaddafi loyalists remain, which raises questions about his ability to exercise its authority throughout the country and postpone opening its promise of democracy.

Clinton arrived, that the interim government was facing military defeat in Sirte, a city on the Mediterranean coast, where a few days ago was ready to declare victory over the forces of pro-Gaddafi.

Sirte is now the last major city where pro-Gaddafi Libyan forces directed from the bastions of resistance to another, Bani Walid, fell to the new country's leaders Monday.

Gaddafi loyalists, who were cornered in the Sirte one of about two square miles seemed to have broken out of encirclement, Reuters reporters in the city said.

 Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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