Monday 3 October 2011

Resolution to put sanctions on Syria be moved in UN Security Council (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---The Security Council may soon vote Tuesday on a resolution against Syria, immediately on its violent repression against opponents who have organized protests against the rule continues to Bashar al-Assad.

In the meantime, a group of Syrian army deserters, who have organized under the banner of "Free the Syrian army," the international community to demand a "no fly" zone and a safe haven for dissidents and deserters, out of the reach of the Syrian government would be to support aircraft and artillery, said al-Adday Manhal, a spokesman for the group.

United Nations, the European nations guarantee re-election impasse resolution back to its wording, the deletion of references to possible sanctions for "targeted" soft diplomatic language, hope they limit the opposition sponsors
Russia and China. Russia, in particular, concerns about increased involvement in Syrian affairs expressed.

An earlier version of the direct intention of the Council to apply sanctions if the Syrian government has not responded to calls about the campaign within 15 days of the reference.

According to the current draft of the Security Council would not be obliged to take action against Syria, even if it continues its repression.

Addressing the UN General Assembly last week, said Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem that "threaten the interests and basic needs of daily subsistence needs of the Syrian people," calling to sanctions, and could not "with explanations of care to reconcile the interests, security and the rights of the Syrian people."

European countries, the resolution - Portugal, Germany, France and the UK - do not dilute the resolution to appease the Assad regime, but the reality of political practice. Russia and China can veto Security Council resolutions.

Last week, Portuguese Ambassador Jose Filipe Moraes Cabral
said that European countries "must be realistic" about the prospects of a resolution against Syria despite Russian opposition.
While diplomats discuss the issue, the battle continues between government forces and opponents.

Syria, the army recently free of responsibility for the operation of Homs and Deir Azzor units to protect the civilian population and the army to harass and prevent them from working efficiently, according to al-Adday.

The army was in August by Col. Riyadh al-Assa'ad and their number is growing rapidly formed in the last week, said al-Adday.He declined to disclose the exact figures of the opening of the group, but said it contained thousands of deserters.


Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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