Friday 7 October 2011

A glimpse of Steve Jobs career: Excerpt form History (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Steve Jobs was once like the man who saved Apple from financial ruin known, but his legacy goes far beyond that, it is considered one of the few people who keep a few changed the world in memory.

Jobs - a drop of colleges and son of a Buddhist adoptive parents - Apple Computer started with friend Steve Wozniak in the late 1970s.

The Silicon Valley icon who died Thursday gave the world the iPod, iPhone and iPad, and was considered the heart and soul of a company that rival Exxon Mobil as the most valuable in America.

But the thought of jobs like the man behind the resurrection of Apple would be on par with the thinking of the Beatles as a group, cool music to be made.

How the Fab Four changed jobs at the pace of modern life, with its first and Wozniak, the introduction of home computers in the 1970s.

"The idea that a computer is one thing that the consumer might want to come to him," said Charles Golvin, an analyst at Forrester.

"The way we compute today would not know what it is, without Steve Jobs."

While personal computers from Microsoft software is supported excepted employment provided jobs to click with a mouse-human-oriented machine control, and symbols to activate programs or open files.

But despite the subsequent success of the Mac, Jobs sour relationship with top management and the board. The company has eliminated most of its powers and then in 1985 he was fired.

Jobs was with the elevation of the standards for animated films, using his vision, Pixar, a film studio, where he founded credited during his exile.

The company now has a series of blockbusters such as Toy Story and Cars upset.

The fate of Apple had subsided, but the company is the acquisition of NeXT - use computer company founded after leaving Apple - in 1997 brought him back into the uterus.

Job as CEO in 2001 led the iPod music players and iTunes online store, where people could buy digital music.

The music industry was how to make money with the sale of digital music and struggling to fend off piracy was made possible by the simple file sharing on the Internet to fight.

But with the iPod, music fans were a way to put the new hip on the go and available to record companies and artists may listen to a controlled distribution channel for the songs.

Analysts say that iTunes is now the music store the most successful in the world.

But the iPhone has been capped in 2007 that the jobs of heritage in the annals of modern technological history.

Jobs had to move a transition to mobile computing on handheld devices, Internet giants like Google and Facebook have embraced as the future.

The smartphone also "soft" software that allows consumers to play, health monitoring, track exercise, and set sail.

The IPAD, first published in 2010, ushered in the era of post-personal computer.

The iTunes Store is expanding digital content for movies and people are increasingly on mobile devices for entertainment.Jobs also left its mark on the retail sector, with the real world, Apple stores, which bring more profit per square foot than any other retailer.

Even if Apple was not the first company to summer with smart phones or tablet computers, Jobs is a master of adapting products to attract consumers.

He also had the magic of marketing so strong that people camped in the streets be the first to get their hands on Apple's new creations.

In 2005, Jobs said, as a sense of his mortality is an important factor behind this vision.

"Remember that I am dead soon is the most important tool I've ever had to help me make the big decisions in life," he said at a ceremony at Stanford from 2005.

"Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall into the face of death, so that only what is truly important.

"Remember that you will die is the best way I know to think if you have to avoid losing anything. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. "

A survivor of a rare form of pancreatic cancer, Health Jobs "is a controversial subject for years, his battle against cancer had a deep concern for Apple fans and investors were board the company.

In recent years, board members also told their friends fear that jobs in his quest for privacy, was not enough to come with directors about the true state of his health.

He had resigned as CEO of the world's largest technology in August.

Recalling that I die soon is the most important tool I've never seen it to help me make the big choices in life.

Steve Jobs
Despite investor confidence in the current chief Tim Cook to remain concerns about whether the company would be a creative force that will in the coming year should be without its founder and visionary at the top.

Jobs broke the news of the death of an immediate expression of sympathy.Among other things, said Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, it is wrong job "immensely."

"Steve brilliance, passion and energy were the source of many innovations to improve and enrich our lives. The world is infinitely better because Steve," Apple said in a statement announced that work is done.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



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