Thursday 27 October 2011

Libya: NTC urged NATO to extend its stay in Libya (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- NATO should remain united in Libya until the end of this year to prevent supporters of Muammar al-Gaddafi to leave the country, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the interim leader, said.

NATO air strikes claimed the Board of the National Transitional Government (CNT) the forces that overthrew Gaddafi in August to decide on Friday whether his mission after his death and burial in the past week and a statement of final liberation NTC.

"We hope that NATO will continue its operations until the end of the year," Jalil said at a conference in Doha, Qatar's capital on Wednesday.

The indication that the supporters to stop the execution of Gaddafi in other countries is a priority, said: "We want to make technical and logistical assistance to neighboring countries and friendly."

Qatar was among the first countries to recognize the NTC as the legitimate authority in Libya and supplied to the anti-Gaddafi, water, weapons and extra $ 400 million dollars in aid.

On Wednesday, Qatar showed that hundreds of Libyan rebel soldiers arrived on the ground, and who fought against the troops of Gaddafi, told AFP news agency.

The announcement is the first time that the Gulf state has recognized that there was a military boots on the ground in Libya.

"We were among them, and the number of Qatar on the floor were hundreds of people in each region," said Maj. Gen. Hamad Bin Ali Al-Atiya, Qatar's military chief of staff.

Wednesday's meeting in Doha focused on helping allies of the new government would bring stability to the nation.

One of the immediate demands of Libya is holding a waiver from the no-fly zone that the Security Council imposed in March.

Libya's deputy ambassador to the UN Ibrahim Dabbashi said the council on Wednesday that the Libyan people successful completion of the mandates of the United Nations as soon as possible. But he said the transitional government, the security situation and the country's ability to evaluate the monitoring of its borders.

Preliminary Decision:

On Wednesday, in Brussels, NATO said a representative of the alliance until Friday had a meeting of ambassadors, which had been scheduled for Wednesday and is expected to take a decision about his mission moved to formalize the final of Libya.

"The discussion has been postponed to Friday, Libya, ongoing consultations with the United Nations and accommodate the Council of the National Transitional Government," the NATO official.

NATO countries a preliminary decision last Friday to complete the mission in Libya on October 31, and the commander of the operation, said Tuesday that the alliance believes the NTC forces be able to deliver to security threats.

However, Ali Tarhouni, the interim report oil from Libya and finance ministers said on Tuesday that NATO maintains its mission wanted a month.

NATO-26000 inserts, done mostly by French armed forces, American and British, destroyed some 5,900 military targets, such as 31 began in March.

Including the defense of Libya and air tanks over 1,000 vehicles and weapons, and networks of command and control Gaddafi.

The daily air strikes allowed NTC to encourage staff to take Tripoli and two months ago.

Libya said Sunday that the country's interim rulers of the free, starts at the oil-rich nation, which means a two-year transition to democracy.

Saif Gaddafi, the son of al-Islam, a refugee and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi have been proposed to deliver to the International Criminal Court, the Reuters news agency reported Wednesday citing military NTC.

His whereabouts are uncertain, with reports from the media that al-Senussi suggests could fall in neighboring Niger.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



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