Monday 10 October 2011

Deal agreed to save the RWC 2015 (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---An agreement has been agreed that to save the World Cup 2015, currently detained in England. The tournament was in danger as the three major southern hemisphere unions all said they can not afford to part with the current financial formula to make.

New Zealand, Australia and South Africa says World Cup cost them £ 25m a combination of loss of profits, but an often stormy meeting on Monday finally ended in consultation with the president and directors of Nations Level One, a review of how the money from the World Cup is easing restrictions on sponsorship of distributed team.

The big breakthrough was the assumption that the loss would be the income of all tier-one countries during the World Cup occurred exercises are good. Total sales for the first eight this year, down £ 48m. The International Rugby Board will come in the next two months with detailed proposals to be put to its management, or the Council in December.

The presidents and leaders have the power to decide financial policy, rather than their unions make the most of the votes in the council of the IRB is unlikely turn.The meeting was called to discuss the timing of the event in 2015, which should follow the model of this year and in September and October.

It is a call to push the one month due to the southern hemisphere season is extended, expanded with the Tri-Nations, Argentina by four to include the entry will be next year. The Rugby Football Union, as the host wanted to make a decision quickly because the book, he wants the football stadiums.

The three unions in the Southern Hemisphere SANZAR said they had to walk to the meeting, unless the agenda expanded to the economic issue, on the grounds that there was no need to talk about the schedule World Cup 2015, until they were satisfied, they would be able to attend.

IRB chief executive Mike Miller has been reprimanded for his reaction to remarks made by New Zealand Rugby Union CEO Steve Tew. Said that the All Blacks would be highly unlikely, that can afford to play in 2015, when the financial model is changed, Miller said they were interchangeable. But Australia and South Africa have said they stand behind New Zealand and I wondered how all thought Miller could be replaced three, and stressed that the IRB has already more than £ 120m in reserve.

The executive of the IRB is concerned that, as it does 98% of its revenues from the World Cup, all higher income countries would be the first to the detriment of the sum set aside for developing countries, but replied that SANZAR Rugby World Cup should look like is an important supplement their income by cashing the Olympic status of rugby union, who see the current tournament have an impact in the Russian TV market in North America and China has .

One area where the countries of animals-two-three levels should be helped, it is in the planning for 2015. It was agreed that 20 teams will continue to participate and the top sides will share duties for the week, means that people such as Namibia, Georgia, Romania and Samoa are not to play after resting three or fourdays.

The IRB said the meeting also supported "engagement model for Rugby World Cup commercial, income distribution and the launch date of 2015 after a planned review of the event in 2011.

"While the meeting was not a decision-making forum, the main recommendations of the board of the IRB and / or the Council will be presented for consideration."

The issue of financial breakdown has taken their agreement to eight years, but by the refusal of the timing of the 2015 World Cup, knowing that the RFU is desperate to make a decision so they can start planning the event SANZAR unions so that the process is accelerated.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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