Friday 21 October 2011

Protesting students invaded the Senate meeting in Santiago, chile (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Dozens of Chilean students interrupted a meeting at the headquarters of the Senate in Santiago press his call for a referendum on the social problems of Chile.

Students stormed the legislators and education ministers to discuss in the next budget year.

The protesters left a couple of hours later after opposition lawmakers promised to present a bill for a referendum.

Students are protesting for months to demand for free public education.

The Senate Education Committee met to discuss the budget, when dozens of youths, many of them students of the school, spraying the room.

Three young men climbed to the top of the table of the commission and unfurled a banner reading "referendum now."

Some of the students, the action live on Twitter, and then occupied the building for some time.

Outside, police cordoned off the entrance to the building with metal barriers to prevent more protesters from entering.

They faced a crowd of hundreds of students and parents making banners calling for "free education" and "referendum now."

Needs Updating:

Education Minister, Felipe Bulnes and participates in meetings of the Senate committee was quick to leave the building.

The demonstrators shouted and threw the coins in Mr. Bulnes.

The Senate President Guido Girardi, a member of the opposition Party for Democracy, addressed the protesters and promised not to forcibly evicted by police.

He has been critical of the government's handling of student protests.

The students are boycotting classes and conducting demonstrations for nearly six months.

On Tuesday, police used teargas and water cannon in clashes with demonstrators Santiago secretly set up barricades and threw fire bombs, 260 people were arrested.

The government said that after the violent demonstrations is calling an emergency security law to help quell student unrest - the worst in Chile since 1990.

On Wednesday, students held another mass demonstration to press their demands.

Discussions on education reforms broke this month and no sign of a resolution.

In fact, the situation seems to be hardening.

Student leaders have called for comprehensive reform of the education system, Chile, which they say is unfair and lack of funds, but condemned the violence.

They want the central government control of education and increase spending on public schools and universities.

President Sebastián Piñera has responded with the promise of limited reform at about $ 4 billion (£ 2.6 billion) in additional funds.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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