Friday 28 October 2011

Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Music video by Justin Bieber performing Baby. Enjoy the video. High notes and beats. With sound and soothign lyrics....

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Music video by Justin Bieber performing Baby. Enjoy the video. High notes and beats. With sound and soothign lyrics....

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Boy recover alive from the building rubble in Turkey quake hit area (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam----Rescuers worked under floodlights, a 13-year-old pulled from the rubble alive from a collapsed house, leveled more than 100 hours after the earthquake, many buildings in eastern Turkey, killing at least 550 people.

An image of the Anadolu news agency showed rescuers carrying Tokay Ferhat from the rubble, with a neck brace. In other pictures of a hospital, he was confident and looked at his rescuer.

Tokay rescue occurred after 108 hours on Sunday 7.2 magnitude, the agency said.

The agency said the boy was injured but gave no further details. The building collapsed was rescued from the Tokay was in ECRIS, the city hardest hit by the earthquake.

The earthquake has killed at least 550 people and wounded 2,300, depending on the country's disaster management, AFAD, Website Updated on Thursday night. Thousands of homeless people in tents went to fight in the cold, rain and snow brought more difficulties.

Television footage showed on Thursday, a rescue team cheering and applauding the other young man, wearing a red sweater and tied to a stretcher, also from the rubble. His eyes were closed most of the time, but it opened at any given time.

The Anatolia news agency identified the man as 18-year-old Imdat Padaka. He was rescued by a team of Azerbaijan.

Padaka was transferred to the nearby city of Van and was dehydrated but in good condition, according to news agency.

Emergency officials say 187 have been rescued from the rubble. About 2,000 buildings were destroyed, authorities said another 3700 buildings uninhabitable.

More help for the survivors began to arrive, with the Turkish authorities to provide more tents for distribution problems of recognition, looting aid trucks, even before reaching Erciş included.

Families, shopping hooks invaluable help, along with others. However, some people spent a fifth night outdoors huddled under blankets in front of a campfire, or wait for the news that the clock over lost or damaged homes.

As survivors gathered pieces of wood, light a fire heater or stove, set the Red Crescent, and several pro-Islamic groups to soup kitchens and served or rice and beans.

Sermin Yildirim, eight months pregnant, shared a tent with a family of four people who were distant relatives, along with her husband and their twins. His family was too scared to return to his apartment.

"It's getting colder, my children are coughing. I do not know how long we have to stay here," said Yildirim. "They were not able to get a tent. We hope to get our"

Poste By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Samsung shuns behind its rival Apple in smartphones sale (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Samsung will obsolete the world's largest supplier of smartphones AppleJuly to September.

Strategy Analytics research has shown that Samsung sold 27.8 millionsmartphones in the three months compared with 17.1 million and $ 16.8 millionfrom Apple, Nokia.

The adviser said that the growth of Apple customers waiting for the launch ofnew iPhone 4S was hampered.

Apple number four slot in mobile phone sales was taken from China's ZTE.

Nokia is the manufacturer of mobile terminals with a market share of 27.3%, Samsung and LG with 22.6% followed by 5.4%.

ZTE rose 4.7%, Apple dropped to fifth place with 4.4%.

The report came shortly after the launch of Samsung results for third quarterprofits fall 23% eclipsed the strong growth in its mobile phone business due to poor performance in the group of memory chips has been demonstrated.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam




Greek economy wasn't capable of adopting the euro currency: Nicolas Sarkozy (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---When the dust settled following the recent agreement was made to the euro zone to resolve the debt crisis, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, admitted it was a "mistake" was to take the Greeks participating in monetary union.
"To be clear, that was a mistake," Sarkozy told French television.

"Greece was in the € with the numbers that were wrong and the economy was not ready to accept the euro zone membership. It was a decision that was made in, I believe, 2001, for which we are now paying the consequences."

It has come to an agreement in Brussels on Wednesday, cut Greek debt, recapitalizing European banks and more than double the European Union's resources bailout fund to handle future sovereign defaults.

"This is good news we have an agreement," said the German Bank economist Gilles Moec. "If Europe sets their heads, they actually begin to cooperate."

However, speculation is rife about China's role in the success of the plan, with suggestions that will provide capital to strengthen the euro - a scenario that Sarkozy has no worries.

"If the Chinese, who have 60% of world reserves, which want to invest in euros instead of dollars, why reject it?" 'I asked.

China, the consensus of the EU summit, whose main elements are a 50% reduction in the value welcomes Greek government bonds to attract European bank recapitalization measures and plans to raise capital for already overburdened rescue European Fund Financial Stability Fund to reduce the debt of Greece from the current astronomical 160% of the current economic situation and 120% of the total economic output in the next 10 years.

China showed that, in your best interest, can contribute to a solution, but does not mention any concrete plan to do so.

"We believe that as the world's largest economy, the sustained, sound and healthy economy of the EU and the euro area is essential for global economic recovery," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu said in a conferencepress on Thursday. "We are also willing to cooperate with the EU in order to overcome the difficulty."

However, China will support the capacity of Europe depends on the reliability of a system to ensure Daokui, said Li, member of the Chinese Central Bank Monetary Policy, the Financial Times. "It is long-term interest and intrinsic China to help Europe as our main trading partner, but the Chinese government's main concern is how to explain this decision of our people," said Li.

Li added that China may tax incentives as a lever for Europe to criticize China's monetary policy, which is often undervalued and unfairly criticized China's exports benefit from the use of deterrence.

Europe aims to attract capital from sovereign wealth funds, particularly the developing countries like China and Russia, in addition to 440.000.000.000 € bailout fund, but analysts note that the structure of these investments is still unknown.

In a telephone conversation with Sarkozy on Thursday, Chinese President Hu Jintao made no mention of specific plans to invest in the system, but praised Europe's progress in resolving the debt crisis.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Britney Spear logged for Diana's snap in her visit to UK (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Britney Spears asked a photo of Princess Diana backstage at his concerts in the UK.

The 'Hold It Against Me "singer - who has the country in the last leg of hisfemme fatale hit - requested a photo of the late king, who died in 1997, andportions of fish and chips and 100 plums and figs.

A source said: "Britney loves the monarchy, Diana, in many ways was beyondhis inspiration, it has no calories if you are in England.".

Toothpaste, hamburger buns and McDonald toothpaste were also at least part of his rider before in London's The O2 last night (10.27.11).

Britney has already revealed he would like to do for his son, William, Diana, Prince and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge - who is 29th in a glittering ceremony in Westminster Abbey in London April married - if you want to comesee, while it is in the United Kingdom.

She said: "I am sure we are very, very busy, but if you could press that would be fantastic.

"It would be surprising if it was one of my concerts. That would be crazy cool. I think they are a beautiful couple."

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 


Thursday 27 October 2011

Adele - Set Fire to the Rain Lyrics (Mian Shakeel Asalm)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Song: Set Fire to the Rain 

Artitst: Adele 

All Rights Are to the Original Owners (not me) 

One of my favorites from Adele's latest album 21 

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. All is Adele's 

did the best I could do with the lyrics. Mistakes happen, if you find one feel free to drop it in the comment box. Enjoy!

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Asalm


People leaving the Bangkok as the flood watering is heading towards it (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Bangkok residents fled the capital on Thursday after authorities called an emergency five-day holiday, and urged people in flood-prone areas throughout the city to go in order to avoid a massive avalanche.

High water seeps in and the central parts of Bangkok in the morning, with water in the Great Hall near the Chao Phraya River.
After days of preparation for the rush of water that many people left their homes on Wednesday night and Thursday morning and drove to safety in other areas, coastal towns, especially in the south of Hua Hin, Phuket and Pattaya.

"We have learned that all these places full of Thais who are moved from Bangkok," said the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), deputy Sansern Ngaorungsi.

He said domestic flights from the center of the country's main air, Suvarnabhumi - which continues to function normally - also "very, very full."

TV footage showed the bus terminal in the overcrowded capital, as people tried to flee, while the officials of the Central Station of Bangkok, was also filled and roads in the north and east of the city drowning.

"Congestion in Pattaya (southeast), Chonburi province began Wednesday night," said Major General Norraboon Nanna, commander of the Highway Patrol.

Public authorities in the capital were closed on Thursday after the government ordered a leave of five days for 21 provinces including Bangkok, so residents of the city to prepare for floods or exit.

A great second round of the North equivalent to 480,000 Olympic swimming pool is expected to reach the capital at the same time as the seasonal high water this weekend, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Just north of downtown were flooded away, including the city's second largest airport.

The land, flood relief operations in the center (Froc) said on Wednesday it was on the provision of additional protection outside the city of 12 million people, where there is food supply and increasingly difficult working conditions.
"I would put the people in Bangkok who are already affected or likely to be affected before the test, the evacuation of other places to ask," said Thongthong Chantarangsu, a spokesman for the Froc.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Libya: NTC urged NATO to extend its stay in Libya (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- NATO should remain united in Libya until the end of this year to prevent supporters of Muammar al-Gaddafi to leave the country, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the interim leader, said.

NATO air strikes claimed the Board of the National Transitional Government (CNT) the forces that overthrew Gaddafi in August to decide on Friday whether his mission after his death and burial in the past week and a statement of final liberation NTC.

"We hope that NATO will continue its operations until the end of the year," Jalil said at a conference in Doha, Qatar's capital on Wednesday.

The indication that the supporters to stop the execution of Gaddafi in other countries is a priority, said: "We want to make technical and logistical assistance to neighboring countries and friendly."

Qatar was among the first countries to recognize the NTC as the legitimate authority in Libya and supplied to the anti-Gaddafi, water, weapons and extra $ 400 million dollars in aid.

On Wednesday, Qatar showed that hundreds of Libyan rebel soldiers arrived on the ground, and who fought against the troops of Gaddafi, told AFP news agency.

The announcement is the first time that the Gulf state has recognized that there was a military boots on the ground in Libya.

"We were among them, and the number of Qatar on the floor were hundreds of people in each region," said Maj. Gen. Hamad Bin Ali Al-Atiya, Qatar's military chief of staff.

Wednesday's meeting in Doha focused on helping allies of the new government would bring stability to the nation.

One of the immediate demands of Libya is holding a waiver from the no-fly zone that the Security Council imposed in March.

Libya's deputy ambassador to the UN Ibrahim Dabbashi said the council on Wednesday that the Libyan people successful completion of the mandates of the United Nations as soon as possible. But he said the transitional government, the security situation and the country's ability to evaluate the monitoring of its borders.

Preliminary Decision:

On Wednesday, in Brussels, NATO said a representative of the alliance until Friday had a meeting of ambassadors, which had been scheduled for Wednesday and is expected to take a decision about his mission moved to formalize the final of Libya.

"The discussion has been postponed to Friday, Libya, ongoing consultations with the United Nations and accommodate the Council of the National Transitional Government," the NATO official.

NATO countries a preliminary decision last Friday to complete the mission in Libya on October 31, and the commander of the operation, said Tuesday that the alliance believes the NTC forces be able to deliver to security threats.

However, Ali Tarhouni, the interim report oil from Libya and finance ministers said on Tuesday that NATO maintains its mission wanted a month.

NATO-26000 inserts, done mostly by French armed forces, American and British, destroyed some 5,900 military targets, such as 31 began in March.

Including the defense of Libya and air tanks over 1,000 vehicles and weapons, and networks of command and control Gaddafi.

The daily air strikes allowed NTC to encourage staff to take Tripoli and two months ago.

Libya said Sunday that the country's interim rulers of the free, starts at the oil-rich nation, which means a two-year transition to democracy.

Saif Gaddafi, the son of al-Islam, a refugee and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi have been proposed to deliver to the International Criminal Court, the Reuters news agency reported Wednesday citing military NTC.

His whereabouts are uncertain, with reports from the media that al-Senussi suggests could fall in neighboring Niger.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



EU leaders agreed on a solution to resolve the debt crisis(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam --- Union leaders announced an agreement Thursday to take on the steps of the debt crisis, including an agreement in conflict with private investors at a loss of 50% of Greek bonds.

The agreement came at the end of marathon talks, the details of a global political response of the public debt and banking problems are threatening the stability of the euro and the global economy to be completed.

The answer points to solve three problems: the debt crisis in Greece, instability in the banking sector rescue fund, and a very outdated.
Under the new plan, the Greek bondholders voluntarily reduce the value of Greek bonds by 50%, which translates into € 100 million and reduced the burden of national debt to 120% of economic output by 150%.

Charles Dallara, head of the Institute of International Finance, the private sector in the talks, welcomed the agreement. In a statement, said that private investors will accept the reduction of 50% ", with the assistance of € 30 billion" package from the official participation of the private sector.
The agreement also provides for the establishment of a new funding program with the International Monetary Fund worth up to € 100 million, according to a statement.

Stronger the rescue fund: The two leaders agreed on ways to rescue the firepower of the EU funds, such as the European Financial Stability Fund to increase known. The methods take the bottom four or five times, the statement said, increasing its resources to one billionth of about €

The fund will provide for the treatment of partial new issues of government bonds. They are the creation of one or more Special Investment Vehicles, which is complemented open to the private sector players such as sovereign wealth funds.

China has already expressed interest in supporting the special investment mechanism expressed. The possibility that China could back the bailout helped lift U.S. share prices on Wednesday.

Huge reserves of the banks: the State and also agreed to increase capital requirements for banks vulnerable to losses of government bonds in the euro area.
"The main aim of the exercise is to promote confidence in the banking sector," said European Council President Herman Van Rompuy.
Banks would be forced to dramatically reduce the level of core capital by 9% increase on a cushion against potential losses to produce.

Based on market rates in September, the banks must raise total of € to achieve the new targets, according to the European Banking Authority.
This is comparable to estimates by the International Monetary Fund and the private sector economists in the range between € 100 and € 300,000,000,000th
The banks will have to meet these new requirements, according to a statement by the end of June 2012.

Jose Barroso, President of the European Commission, said that the technical work necessary to accomplish the actions will be completed "in the coming weeks."

"The key is implementation," said Barroso. "There is not enough to make commitments."

Posted BY: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Wednesday 26 October 2011

Funny excerpts from the life of Nawab Aslam Raisani CM Baluchistan (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Video footage contains some funny and interesting moments of CM Baluchistan Nawab Aslam Raisani. Watch and enjoy.....


Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Gaddafi's last moments video footage (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Moments before Muammar Gaddafi died. Gaddafi's final moments while he was still alive. A New video which shows violent, chaotic last moments, fighters beating him as they drag him away.

Later his body put on display in shopping centre freezer.

Warning: Graphic Footage

According to an official statement by the National Transitional Council, Gaddafi was shot before his capture and died from his wounds on route to Misrata.

Fighters at the scene said he was injured in the shoulder and leg when he was found. Blood also appears to be flowing from a head injury. So far reporters and human rights groups have been blocked from viewing the body but footage has emerged showing bullet wounds to the torso and head which may cast doubt on the statement released by the interim government.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


President Obama is expected to announce bail out package for student today(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Million student loan borrowers have the right to lower your payments and consolidating your loans under a plan announced by President Barack Obama on Wednesday said the White House.

Obama Executive Order to provide student loan relief in two ways.

First, is accelerated by the Congress approved a measure that reduces the maximum repayment of student loans each year, 15 percent of disposable income by 10 percent. The White House wants to come into force in 2012, instead of 2014th addition, the White House says that the remaining debt would be forgiven after 20 years instead of 25 could be affected more than 1.6 million borrowers.

Second, allow borrowers who have loans from both the Program Family Education Loan, and a direct government loan to consolidate into one loan. The consolidated loan would be less than half a percentage point. This could be 5.8 million more borrowers.

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told reporters on a conference call that the changes could save borrowers hundreds of dollars per month.

"The real savings that will help these graduates begin their careers and help them earn a living are," said Duncan.

Obama is expected to present his plan at a stop in Denver. The White House said the changes would have no additional costs to taxpayers.

Last year the Democrats controlled Congress passed a law which reduced the top and move all student loans for direct loans to banks as intermediaries to remove. Previously, borrowers of loans or loans directly to the government-backed Loan Program for Family Literacy, which were issued by private lenders, but basically to get insured by the government. The bill was left with health reform, with the expectation that they could save more than $ 60000000000 for more than a decade.

Today there are 23 million borrowers with $ 490 billion in loans under the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Last year, the Department of Education $ 102.2 billion in direct loans to 11.5 million beneficiaries.

Outside of mortgages, student loans are the No. 1 source of household debt, said the White House.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 


Boy recovered alive from the quake debris after 2 days (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Researchers in the limelight on Wednesday took a 18-year-old University of theruins of a house 61 hours after a devastating earthquake rocked eastern Turkey.

There are small cameras mounted on poles to find Eyup Erdem and broke into applause when he made ​​the rubble of a building in the town of Ercis, most inthe 7.2 earthquake that caused drawn on Sunday affected.

The state news agency Anatolian said Erdem was wounded and was treated at a hospital.

The student, who had moved to Erciş a month to study mechanics at the University, was the last one pulled alive from the rubble as rescuers workedfeverishly against the clock to find survivors.

The earthquake has killed at least 459 people. Health Ministry officials said 40 people were pulled Com Seraceddin alive from collapsed buildings on Tuesday.

Including a 2-week-old, took half naked, but alive from the rubble of a house for 48 hours after the earthquake. His mother and grandmother were also rescued, but his father was gone.

Survivors at a hospital in the provincial capital, told of his anguish Van treatswaiting to be rescued.
"We're holding our breath, we were thirsty Eventually we saw rescue workers to remove dirt They said.." Wait five minutes, let us out. But save us from this day, "said Omer Yildiz Reuters.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Video depicting the person claiming to shoot Gaddafi (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Video has pictures of fighters loyal to the National Transitional Government of Libya, said the councilman, the murderers of former Libyan leader MuammarGaddafi will develop.

Today his body is on public display, and it is still unclear where he is buried.

Meanwhile, Gaddafi's son Saadi Gaddafi, said she was "outraged by ferociousbrutality" against his father and brother Muatassim, who were killed last week showed.

Additional video clips show the last moments of Gaddafi dripping slowly, and are probably examined in the coming days the United Nations, human rights organizations, and come in recent times, says the United States, an investigation into the death of Qaddafi and your child.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam




Survivors of the Turkey quake are being recovered from the debris of buildings (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Turkish families dismayed match against an attempt by the mosques or between rows of bodies identified Monday rubble to rescue the survivors after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake that killed at least 279 people marched.

Rescue teams worked with the power generator lights at night in the city most affected Erciş where water and electricity by the earthquake, Eastern Turkey were cut on Sunday shook. Nervous of more than 200 aftershocks, many residents slept outside their houses, making fires to keep warm, as aid agencies scrambled to raise tents for the homeless.

The victims were in the mountains of concrete, twisted steel and rubble for more than a hundred buildings in both cities and adobe houses in the surrounding villages or pancakes partially collapsed Sunday's earthquake caught. About 80 high-rise buildings collapsed in Erciş, a town of 75,000 near the Iranian border, in an area prone to earthquakes in Turkey.

Cranes and other heavy equipment up concrete slabs, so that residents dig for the missing shovel.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said the quake killed 279 people and injured 1,300, although the search and rescue operations could end as early as Tuesday. Authorities said the dead were 10 students who are learning about the Koran in a religious school that collapsed.

Families of victims in a mosque called Erciş.

"My nephew, his wife and children, all three dead. May God protect us from this type of pain," said resident Kursat lap.

The bodies were pulled from the rubble still late Monday night. Dozens of people were placed in plastic bags or blankets, in rows, so that people could afford their missing relatives are looking for.

"It's my wife's grandson. It remained under the rubble," said Mehmet Emin Umac.

Several other men took the body of a baby wrapped in white cloth and weeping family members followed.

However, there were some happy moments. Akay Yalcin a collapsed six-story building, dug with a leg injury after an emergency call on his cell phone call and told the operator where he was, told Turkish news agency Anadolu. Three others, including two children, were also rescued in the same building Erciş 20 hours after the earthquake.

Two other survivors were trapped for more than 27 hours.

Antakyali Abdurrahman, 20, was taken from an internet cafe falls apart after a rescue operation for eight hours together teams of Turkey and Azerbaijan. His father and brother wept for joy when he left, Anatolia.

Tugba Altinkaynak, 21, had a family to eat at lunch with 12 other relatives when the earthquake struck. Four members were once alive, but took his mother and the others were still missing late Monday night. Altinkaynak, who was conscious and covered in dust, was placed on a stretcher and rushed to an ambulance.

Aid agencies rushed to help set up tents, field hospitals and kitchens, thousands left homeless or too afraid to return to their homes. Many residents spent a second night worn out.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



Saudi's crown prince's funerals offered: World leaders attended the funerals (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- The funeral of the crown of Saudi Arabia, Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz on Tuesday came the stage for a possible generational change in leadership of the world's largest exporter of oil in the world dignitaries to Saudi Arabia his condolences to the deceased to offer Prince, his successor is yet to be identified.

The body of Prince Sultan, who died of cancer in New York on Saturday, was born in Riyadh on Monday evening. Hundreds of men, including Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, met at the airstrip to see the coffin was lowered into an ambulance and took him, Reuters reported.

Saudi state television broadcast images al-Ekhbariya live from the air base of Riyadh, where he was taken to the Sultan's body into an ambulance aircraft.

It is the first time the seat of the heir is free in the history of the oil-rich Gulf state.

Sultan's funeral will be held before the evening prayer in the conservative Islamic state, and his body will be taken for burial.

Saudi Arabia, which rules the world oil markets and has a profound influence on the Muslims by his wing of the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina, is facing unrest in neighboring countries, and a confrontation with regional rivals of Iran.

King Abdullah seems ready, the veteran Interior Minister Prince Nayef can replace the crown prince and successor name, but his choice of a defense minister to the sultan, an indication of how the conservative Islamic state managed the transition to its future leaders.

The Sultan's death comes after Abdullah founded in 2006, the Loyalty Board, of 35 Prince's decision together with the reigning king of the Crown Prince to be charged together.

"The rules of the Council of the flag states that the Crown Prince would be elected by the Council," said Fahd al-Harthi, director of the Riyadh-based ASBAR studies, research and communication.

"But the royal decree of this system established that is not the current king and crown prince required to comply with this regulation," he told AFP.

King Abdullah, has ruled the Sultan and Nayef the country since the late King Fahd fell ill in 1995, but the king is in his late 80s and spent three months abroad back this year recovering from a back problem that requires surgery hadlast week.

He remains firmly in control of the empire, but the approach increasingly Nayef, who is probably in the mid-seventies, and some younger princes fall.

Chief among them is Prince Salman, governor of Riyadh, is a brother of the Sultan and Nayef, and as important to a ruling family that valued the old, because she saw King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, founded in 1932.

The reforms undertaken by King Abdullah has directed to the strengthening of private sector growth and challenge the power of conservative clerics in the education system and the justice system.

Officers arrived on the world Knigdom on Monday to offer condolences for the dead prince.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 


Libyan NTC authorities removed Gadaffi and his son's dead bodies for secret burial in desert (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- The bodies of the fallen Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, his son and his former adviser Mutassim have been of a commercial freezer in a storage area awaiting Misrata funerals postponed after a security guard.

Beitalmal Ibrahim, a local military spokesman said the funeral was probably on Tuesday. He said the three men were buried in unmarked graves in secret to prevent vandalism.

On the question of disposal of carcasses in the freezer, said he knew nothing about the burial process in motion.

However, he said Salem al Mohand, a security guard at the camp complex, the bodies arrived on Monday night in the freezer, which was on display for the past four days have been postponed.

"Our job is over," said al-Mohand. "[Qaddafi] was transferred, and Misrata War led him to an unknown location. I do not know whether to bury or not."

A team of Associated Press Television News he saw three vehicles leave the camp area on Monday night. The team then went into the freezer and found it empty.

An official of the National Council of Government Transition (CNT) said on Monday, Gaddafi's funeral will be in a secret grave in the desert.

"True implemented"

The developments came as the New York human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned of a "pattern of killings, looting and other abuses" of those who had fought against Gaddafi.

HRW may have been told that there were 53 decomposing bodies, apparently loyal to Gaddafi, who is in Sirte, and there were signs of the revolutionary forces, they have done.

The bodies were found dumped in the garden of the Hotel Mahari, and some had their hands tied.

Peter Bouckaert, a researcher at Human Rights Watch, said the hotel had been under the control of NTC Misrata fighters before the murders took place.

The condition of the bodies suggests that men between October 15 and 19 have been killed, HRW said.

The bloodstains on the grass and spent cartridges showed that some died at the scene and discovered they were dead.

"This latest slaughter appears to be part of a trend of killings, looting and other abuses by anti-Gaddafi armed conflicts combatants engaged as above the law," Bouckaert said in a statement.

NTC Misrata fighters, a city that was besieged by the troops of Gaddafi for weeks earlier this year, had no immediate comment.

The U.S. State Department called the report "extremely worrying".

Gene Cretz, the U.S. ambassador in Libya, was "that created the Council of the National Transitional Government today and asked them to conduct a full investigation," a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Investigation ordered

The NTC earlier ordered an investigation into the death of Qaddafi under international pressure to investigate the circumstances of his death.

A commission of inquiry established that the killing of Gaddafi, which was taken by NTC combatants captured outside Sirte on Thursday and shot him briefly examine, apparently, being transported in Misrata.

"In response to international calls, which have begun to introduce a commission to investigate the circumstances of the death of Muammar Gaddafi in the discussion of his circle, as he was trapped charge," said Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the head of the NTC, in Benghazi Monday.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



Syrian Army used hospitals as torture cells against protesters (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Patients in hospitals by the government in Syria is performed in an attempt to stifle dissent, tortured, she complains that Amnesty International report.

The 39-page report says at least four patients in public hospitals, victims of torture and other ill-treatment, including medical staff were.

Many civilians were injured in mind that no longer walk safely to the hospital, he says.

The Syrian authorities have denied torturing opponents of the government.

Protests against the government, which first emerged in March to suppress, despite attempts by President Bashar al-Assad continued.

The UN says more than 3,000 people in seven months, the unrest has died, Syria has "terrorists" and "armed gangs" responsible.

International journalists face severe restrictions on the information in Syria, and it is difficult to verify the reports.

Amnesty Middle East and North Africa said researchers penicillin Nasser that the Syrian authorities seem to have, "given the security forces a free hand in the hospitals."

"In many cases seem to have hospital staff participated in torture and mistreatment of people who actually care," he said in a statement.

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If we know a request to the Central Blood Bank, the security that we from him, and threatened or detention and torture "

"Given the scale of suffering and the severity of injuries to people across the country, it is disturbing to see that many believe it is safer to avoid the risk of serious injury treated instead to proper medical facilities."

The human rights organization documented cases where patients had been withdrawn from hospitals.

In September, according to the report, security forces raided a hospital in Homs to oppose on the lookout for an alleged armed camp commandant, the government.

You did not find him, arrested 18 people injured, said Amnesty. An employee said he had to withdraw at least an unconscious patient on your fan before he was hit.

Blood "dilemma"
A doctor who had worked in a private hospital in Homs, Amnesty reported that hospitals a "dilemma" need to be patient, the blood because the blood bank has been under the control of the Department of Defense.

"We face a dilemma every time a patient receives a firearm injuries and an urgent need for blood when a request to the Central Blood Bank, the security that we know of him and threatened or imprisonment, torture and even death, in custody, "Amnesty said.

Amnesty said there was no evidence that patients had suffered abuse in the national hospitals Baniyas, Homs and Tell Kalakh and the Military Hospital in Homs.

Ahmad, a doctor at Homs, said he saw disappearing, hospitals in many patients, who had worked in

He told the BBC that he had the director of the hospital after that alerted one.14 years old, was born with gunshot wounds, was beaten by a nurse

He was later to visit the building's security, after the nurse told officers that he was part of an Islamic organization called for. He did not, he said, rather than leave the choice to Syria.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Friday 21 October 2011

Moammar Gadhafi Dead: Libyan Leader Captured in Hometown of Sirte (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---- Christiane Amanpour reports on the death of the former Libyan leader.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Nawab Aslam Raisani TOOOOOOOOON (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---- Nawab Aslam Raisani CM baluchistan addressing to a ceremony. He was drunk at that time and ultimately fell of after sometime. Watch the moment



Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Protesting students invaded the Senate meeting in Santiago, chile (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Dozens of Chilean students interrupted a meeting at the headquarters of the Senate in Santiago press his call for a referendum on the social problems of Chile.

Students stormed the legislators and education ministers to discuss in the next budget year.

The protesters left a couple of hours later after opposition lawmakers promised to present a bill for a referendum.

Students are protesting for months to demand for free public education.

The Senate Education Committee met to discuss the budget, when dozens of youths, many of them students of the school, spraying the room.

Three young men climbed to the top of the table of the commission and unfurled a banner reading "referendum now."

Some of the students, the action live on Twitter, and then occupied the building for some time.

Outside, police cordoned off the entrance to the building with metal barriers to prevent more protesters from entering.

They faced a crowd of hundreds of students and parents making banners calling for "free education" and "referendum now."

Needs Updating:

Education Minister, Felipe Bulnes and participates in meetings of the Senate committee was quick to leave the building.

The demonstrators shouted and threw the coins in Mr. Bulnes.

The Senate President Guido Girardi, a member of the opposition Party for Democracy, addressed the protesters and promised not to forcibly evicted by police.

He has been critical of the government's handling of student protests.

The students are boycotting classes and conducting demonstrations for nearly six months.

On Tuesday, police used teargas and water cannon in clashes with demonstrators Santiago secretly set up barricades and threw fire bombs, 260 people were arrested.

The government said that after the violent demonstrations is calling an emergency security law to help quell student unrest - the worst in Chile since 1990.

On Wednesday, students held another mass demonstration to press their demands.

Discussions on education reforms broke this month and no sign of a resolution.

In fact, the situation seems to be hardening.

Student leaders have called for comprehensive reform of the education system, Chile, which they say is unfair and lack of funds, but condemned the violence.

They want the central government control of education and increase spending on public schools and universities.

President Sebastián Piñera has responded with the promise of limited reform at about $ 4 billion (£ 2.6 billion) in additional funds.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Spanish rebellious group ETA announced the end of their separatist movement (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- The Basque separatist group ETA on Thursday announced a "permanent cessation of armed activity" in a statement posted on the website of Gara, a newspaper group that is used to transmit messages in the past.

Listed as a terrorist organization by Spain, the United States and the European Union, ETA was to blame for hundreds of deaths in its decades-long struggle for an independent Basque state carved sections he wanted to northern Spain and south-west France.

Thursday's announcement follows a recent campaign for the group to leave the violence for good. That effort is led by international figures including the Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams in Northern Ireland and the former Secretary General Kofi Annan.

In a televised speech hours after the announcement was published, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero called ETA's announcement of "paramount importance" and a "victory for democracy."

"Ours is a democracy not terrorism, but not memory," Zapatero said, referring to the 829 people killed by ETA and their families.
The Prime Minister praised the Spanish police, the Civil Guard personnel, the intelligence agencies and the judicial authorities "that contributed to the end."

Zapatero also said in France - which has traditionally been used as a base ETA back - and the president, Nicolas Sarkozy, for his help.

The Prime Minister said would be until the next government of Spain - which formed after the parliamentary elections on November 20 - led peace process.

Zapatero, whose popular standing has deteriorated amidst the deepening economic crisis in Spain, not running for a third term. Shortly after being first elected in 2004, police intensified its crackdown on ETA, as the popularity of the group in some sectors of Basque society began to diminish.

In its own statement Thursday, ETA called for "utmost importance", a one-day meeting held on Monday in which Adams, Annan and other leaders gathered in San Sebastian, a major Basque cities, and called for in peace.

After the conference - which included no representatives of the Spanish government, the Basque government and the main opposition party in Spain, the Popular Party - Former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, read a statement calling for ETA to issue a statements like what he was on Thursday.

The leaders also called on the Spanish and French governments to welcome and "agreed in talks exclusively to deal with the consequences of combat."

Police cracked down in recent years about ETA in Spain and France, leaving operationally weak.

There have been many statements of the Basque group called for talks or a peace process of some kind, but all fall short of declaring a permanent cessation of violence.

The Spanish government said that since ETA broke a cease-fire in the past, only an official statement that putting weapons will always do.

In his statement Thursday, the group suggests why now is the right time to make that statement.

"An emerging new political time in the Basque Country," ETA said. "We have a historic opportunity to find a just and democratic political conflict centuries old."

The group added that "dialogue and agreement" should prevail "over the violence and repression."

ETA urged the Spanish and French governments to implement a "direct dialogue" to address outstanding issues, while the basques call on colleagues to commit to this process.

Speaking on Thursday night that their party headquarters in Madrid, the two main contenders to replace Zapatero welcomed the development, but not detail what he will do next if it were to become prime minister.

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, the Socialist Party candidate Zapatero, who until recently as Minister of Interior of Spain led the fight against ETA, said the announcement "is placed at one end to decades of broken lives." He called for unity in the Spanish political parties and leaders of the "key to success," and urged that it continue unified position.

"Today, ETA is not the enemy, because the rule of law have won," says Rubalcaba.

 Posted BY: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Chinese hit-and-run toddler lost the game of life in the hospital (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- He said he had died, a nurse at the military hospital, - a Chinese girl at the age of two years - which was ignored after being hit by two cars last week, after the effects of intense debate on the moral status of China.

Wang Yue died about 00:32 Friday, according to officials at the military hospital of Guangzhou, Guangzhou.

"Life a little and leave this world," said Li Su, director of the intensive care unit at the hospital. "We feel a deep pain and shame and the world."
The video that was captured by security camera near a pair of conductors, one after the other Yu, strikes, in Foshan, Guangdong Province. More than a dozen people walking, cycling or passed in front of the child as they develop bleeding in the crowded market.

The girl who was rescued in the end a wealth of 58-year-old, who took her aside and tried to get help.

Showed the mother of his brain child, and Zhou Feifei, said later that his daughter was in critical condition in hospital, and the only activity is weak in spite of subtle movements in the lower part of the body.

A video scandal in the world in a state of ethics in a rapidly changing society of China. Includes the generation of intense activity of Sina Weibo, the equivalent of the Chinese Twitter, and causing the "indifference Stop" campaign on the Internet.

Two government offices in the province of Guangdong, where a blow to the leak occurred offered to the Good Samaritan, as specified Xianmei Chen, a total of 20,000 yuan (U.S. $ 3,135), according to the state news agency Xinhua.
The girl's mother said she did not understand the behavior of pedestrians, but they want to focus on the positive side.

"Grandma Chen represents the best in human nature," said her daughter's rescue. "It's the most beautiful and natural to most of us."
In Sina Weibo, the equivalent of the Chinese Twitter, and the story is No. 1 this week, at the point that generate more than 4.5 million messages, together with "indifference to stop the" crackdown on the Internet.

And the moral outrage on the continuation of a steady flow of well-wishers in the procession, and giving gifts, money and support to families of young children.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Wednesday 19 October 2011

CM Baluchistan Nawab Aslam Raisani is very funny (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Funny moments of Chief Minister Baluchistan Nawab Aslam Raisani. He loves to tackle any situation with love and fun. He doesn't bother about what people think about him.

Enjoy these funny moments: 


Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Royal Queen reached Australia on her Official visit(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---After a journey of 22 hours of Great Britain, the royal couple was greeted at the base Fairbairn Royal Australian Air Force Canberra Julia Gillard, Prime Minister, Quentin Bryce, Governor General.

As they went out into the warm evening sun, was a 21-gun salute and military bands sounded Australian Federation Guard military plays God Save the Queen.

The queen, wearing Aquamarine dress, dress, coat and hat with black gloves, smiled when he jumped on the tarmac and the cheers of the crowd increased by 200 men of schoolchildren who had gathered, waving Australian flags to welcome him.

Many Australians believe that this visit will be the last Queen of Australia, as the monarch, given the scale back to the slopes away from the Diamond Jubilee next year.

Route is certainly exhausting for a couple aged 85 and 90
Before the tour even starts turbulent, the queen and the duke had little time to rest, while Great Britain at 10 am on Tuesday morning after attending the office on Monday night.

Flew in Canberra to change the configuration of the Boeing 777, which were equipped with beds, so they can rest during the flight. However, while driving 10.500 kilometers on the other side of the World Charter for British Airways stopped only briefly to refuel in Singapore.

The last time the queen made a long journey, as it was in 2006 when he visited Australia to open the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.
The Queen has visited Australia 15 times during his reign, and is known to have a special fondness for the community, but speculation is growing that the monarch may soon start looking for a way across the world too difficult.

In what many see as a farewell tour in the coming days with the royal couple in four cities in four states and involved two dozen different jobs, including two boat trips, visit the flower show, colleges and tribal colleges military and traditional Australian barbecue. And spent a week in the capital, the queen also meet with victims of deadly floods in Queensland in Brisbane, Melbourne and trams open community leaders and Government meeting in Perth.

Action-packed visit comes at a time when the tide of republican sentiment in Australia is at its lowest in decades.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam




Free Trade agreement between Russia Former Soviet states (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Russia signed bilateral free trade agreements with seven other former Soviet republics that waste export and import duties on certain goods.

The agreement was announced after a meeting in St. Petersburg. Anothersignatory countries are Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Tajikistan.

No details about what was revealed in the price of the goods.

Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan may reach the end of this year.

Free trade agreements must be ratified by the parliaments of eight countriesthat have not been concluded before the entry into force in 2012.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the move should their combined economies 'competitiveness'.

Analysts said that the inclusion of Ukraine is significant because countries seeking closer trade relations with the European Union.

However, the current government of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich,seen as more pro-Russian than its predecessor.

Last week, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko was jailed for seven years to act beyond its powers to one side of gas in 2009.

The European Union said that the lawsuit was politically motivated, but this was denied by Kiev.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



Flux of rewards form Chinese Govt. to the lady survivor of the baby (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---The money used to pay for a woman who saved a toddler bleeding left for deadlast week, several passers-by in South China.

Two hit-and-run driver crashed into Yue Wang, two, one after the other, hewalked down the street in Foshan Narrows.

More than ten people walk, bike or car around like she was bleeding in a busy market, triggering global outrage about the state of morals in a rapidly changing society.

Wang is in critical condition, his little brain activity show, despite the subtle movements early in the lower body, said his mother, Qu Feifei.

China: Hit and Run video sparks protests of the Good Samaritan Law in China
But despite the many villains in history, but also drew attention to an unlikely hero: a treasury of 58 years.

In the video, which has caused outrage around the world, Chen Xianmei baby moves to safety immediately became a symbol of quiet grace in the country, analysts say is obsessed with climbing the economic ladder.

"I do not think at the same time," Chen said Sunday. "I just wanted to save the girl."

Two government agencies in the province of Guangdong, where the hit-and-runtook place, the good Samaritan offered a total of 20,000 yuan ($ 3,135 U.S.), according to Xinhua News Agency State.

Wang's mother said she does not understand the behavior of pedestrians, butwants to focus on the positive.

"Mamie Chen is the best of human nature," said his daughter savior. "It is a beautiful and natural part of us."

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


First visit of High level US official to post-Gaddafi Libya: Hillary in Tripoli (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the unexpected visit to Libya to show U.S. support for the transitional government, as irreducible forces loyal to Moamar Gaddafi launched the attack in his home town of Sirte.

Clinton's first cabinet member to visit the U.S. capital city of Tripoli, 42 years as refugees exiled leader to govern.

His visit comes amid reports of Australian aid worker was killed in Libya.

His arrival was marked by strict security measures, reflecting concerns that the new leader still establish full control of the country.

Clinton's visit to cement cooperation with the new government and help move towards democracy.

She recommended that the National Transitional Council (CNT) to fulfill the commitments to move quickly to vote.

"It's time to Libya. It is a victory Libya. The future belongs to you," she says, eight months after Libya rose against Gaddafi, triggering a conflict that killed thousands of people.

But he also warned against the danger of civil war.

"One of the factors that we know need to face is the unification of various militia groups in a Libyan army to represent the people," she said.

"The introduction of the national army and police force under civilian command is necessary."

The United States also offers practical assistance to Libya to contain thousands of weapons flooding in the country due to war to oust Qadhafi.Security experts say it could fall into the hands of al-Qaeda.

United States participate in the NATO bombing, which contributed to the NTC, although his aircraft played a secondary role in relation to Britain and France.

Reversal of Sirte

Nearly two months after the capture of Tripoli NTC failed to defeat Gaddafi loyalists remain, which raises questions about his ability to exercise its authority throughout the country and postpone opening its promise of democracy.

Clinton arrived, that the interim government was facing military defeat in Sirte, a city on the Mediterranean coast, where a few days ago was ready to declare victory over the forces of pro-Gaddafi.

Sirte is now the last major city where pro-Gaddafi Libyan forces directed from the bastions of resistance to another, Bani Walid, fell to the new country's leaders Monday.

Gaddafi loyalists, who were cornered in the Sirte one of about two square miles seemed to have broken out of encirclement, Reuters reporters in the city said.

 Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Tuesday 18 October 2011

Deadly Crash of Indianpolis 500 winner Dan Wheldon car(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Indianapolis 500 winner Dan Wheldon died Sunday in a car accident 15 fire atLas Vegas Motor Speedway when his car flew over the other on lap 13 and crashed against the wall outside Turn 2.

Wheldon was 33. Drivers were informed of the death of Wheldon at a meeting of about two hours after the accident of fire, smoke, said many drivers were the worst they've ever seen.



Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


126 votes for Kitty Brucknell in "X Factor"(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---- Kitty Brucknell is said to have cast 126 votes for himself after "X Factor" on Saturday.

We hope eccentric - who wowed the judges Louis Walsh, Gary Barlow, TulisaContostavlos and Kelly Rowland with her rendition of Bjork "It's Oh So Quiet" -would have spent at least £ 50 (€ 57.45) in voting for it, and I was convinced that the public would not be her back and she would return home.

A source told The Sun: .. "Kitty was convinced she could get the push on Sunday, which only began to dial your own number, which was a bit silly really - as you need thousands of votes to make a difference, but you can not blame him for trying .

"She is so desperate to stay in the show and in fairness to her, the kind of performance they need. It is one of the only interesting acts out there."

Brucknell sailed to the next stage of the competition on ITV1 on Sundayeviction program, leaving Frankie Cocozza and Nu Vibe boy band - who weresent home with the time - in the last two with the lowest votes.

Meanwhile Brucknell - a former Britney Spears tribute act - is to excel in theprogram this week with an exotic routine pay homage to their idol, who made his famous track "I'm a Slave 4 U" in bikini an albino python 7 feet.

According to the Daily Star, she told her mentor Louis Walsh: "I want to work as a queen of the Amazon jungle, surrounded by deadly creatures and the whole world in shock snakes, lions, tigers, bears,. All that you can find, I have no fear.

"I want to do something nobody will be able to stop talking. We can not possibly go too far in a production of Kitty. I will provide live entertainment onthe" X factor "that could not dream of taking another competitor."

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Gaddafi's last stronghold 'Bin Walid' falls(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam----Fighters with the Provisional Government of Libya took the town of Bani Walid, firing shots into the air and the new flag-raising country in the center of one of the last bastions of supporters of Muammar Gaddafi.

A team from Reuters, which entered the heart of Bani Walid, in the hills of the desert 150 km (90 miles) south of Tripoli, saw no sign of resistance from supporters of the ousted leader was hidden inside the city for more than six weeks.

"Bani Walid is free. Is released, 100 percent, "said Mohammed Shakonah, a military commander with the National Transitional Council (CNT).

The apparent capture of Bani Walid led the new rulers of Libya is one step closer to being in full control of the majority, oil-producing country in North Africa almost two months after rebels entered in Tripoli and s' is over 42 years of a man by Gaddafi.

With Gaddafi's home town of Sirte, Bani Walid was one of the ultimate sources of Libyan armed resistance to the CNS.

Bursts of gunfire, fireworks and car horns were merged into a cacophony of streets full of empty casings and full of buildings damaged or destroyed by the fighting.

Some buildings were still in flames just before sunset on Monday, others were destroyed by NATO bombing. Many stores seem to have been looted. The thick black smoke rose in the distance.

Camouflage hunting NTC with an assault rifle AK-47 slung over his shoulder, took a health and men wept for joy.
"If Qaddafi could do this, give up," said Mr. Abdelfattah, another fighter NTC in the central square.

There was no evidence of civilians to participate in the celebrations of the street in Bani Walid, home to the Warfalla, the largest tribe in Libya, whose members are traditional supporters of Gaddafi.

"This is a very important day because today is Gaddafi did not even a city in Libya," said Ayad al Sayed Russi, a senior commander of the NTC. "We hope that residents who fled will return now that people are free."

The city was besieged for weeks, with hundreds of supporters of Gaddafi excavated valleys and steep hills to resist the advancing forces of the Provisional Government.

NTC officials had been negotiating with tribal leaders for their surrender Bani Walid.

In Sirte, where Gaddafi supporters were besieged for several weeks, there was little or no indication of the often disorganized NTC forces to advance on Monday. The chaos and confusion forced to retreat in some areas.

A doctor from Doctors Without Borders medical charity in the Sirte estimated that 10,000 people remain trapped in the town of 75,000 inhabitants. Many of them women and children, some are sick or injured.

Tanks and rockets NTC bombed a small area of ​​the center of Sirte, where they are trapped in the faithful remain to Gaddafi. Libya's new leaders say they will only begin the transition to democracy after the fall of the city.

Frustration is growing in the first line. Some wrestlers are angry that their commanders have asked for a big effort to take the rest of the city.

There is also anger NTC Misrata forces in the west and east of Benghazi, which have accused each other to hit their allies in the "friendly fire" incidents.

Posted BY: Mian Shakeel Aslam


US ejection of Afghanistan 'll make Pakistan prone to terrorists attacks (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Pakistani militants exploit a security vacuum left by the departure of U.S. troops a strip of eastern Afghanistan to launch attacks inside Pakistan, prompting cross-border violence that claimed dozens of lives and inflamed already tense relations between Islamabad and Kabul.

The Pakistani military on Monday called on the government of Hamid Karzai to arrest and surrender Maulvi Fazlullah, a Pakistani Taliban leader also known as "Mullah Radio," which had been using Afghan territory to mount cross-border raids killed dozens of soldiers in the past months.

"The information on these individuals and groups was transferred to the Afghan government and NATO, but no action was taken," said Major General Athar Abbas, military spokesman for Pakistan. "Fazlullah is going better and better every day."

Afghans say that the Pakistani military responded to the indiscriminate bombing raids of the border, reaching the villages of the attacks that killed at least 43 civilians since May.

"They want to destroy Afghanistan," said Ehsanullah, a professor of 25 years of age in the province of Kunar The Guardian. "They want people to stand up and protest against the government and the Americans."

Most of the fighting in Afghanistan is concentrated in the south and west, in territory controlled by the Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters. But Pakistani Taliban cousins ​​have taken advantage of the departure of the United States of Kunar and Nuristan in the east, to open a new front in the conflict.

President Barack Obama fired the majority of U.S. forces in two provinces in 2009 as part of the "surge" in southern provinces. U.S. generals believe virtual lost causes. Taliban fighters had overrun a small U.S. base in Nuristan in 2008, killing nine U.S. soldiers, while the years of fighting in Korengal Valley of Kunar had caused heavy losses with little progress to show.

Now nearly 3,500 U.S. soldiers remain in Kunar, but none in Nuristan. The reduced presence of the West has helped the Pakistani Taliban, led by Fazlullah, who fled the Swat valley after a major offensive in 2009. He joined the local fighters Maulvi Faqir Mohammad and another fugitive from Pakistan to launch attacks on Pakistani territory.

In June, Taliban fighters detained 16 Pakistani border guards in the district of Dir and killed in the video. In late August, hundreds of fighters slipped into neighboring Chitral an overnight raid that killed at least 35 soldiers as they slept in their tents, making Pakistan's first military deployment in the region since the Taliban has begun.

Pakistani forces responded to the bombings by suspected Taliban positions.However, some shells have entered Afghanistan, often landing in populated areas.

Owili Sadar, an elder in Kunar, narrowly escaped death in mid-September, when he said a shell exploded in Pakistan near his vehicle moments after he entered a mosque.

"Broken windows and my driver was injured by shrapnel," he said. "The people of the mosque, said that if they die there, at least they will go to heaven." He said more than 100 families had fled the border area for security elsewhere.Aminullah Amarkhil, a police chief in charge of a stretch of 100 miles of the border, said that 43 people were killed and 54 wounded since May

Abbas, the Pakistani spokesman, admitted some shells landed in Afghanistan, but said it was "arson."

Border incursions led to a storm of protest in Kabul, where parliamentarians have accused President Karzai angry "go soft" in Pakistan to facilitate contacts with the Taliban.

A lot of conspiracy theories and misinformation on both sides of the border further complicates things. Many Afghans see the bombing of Pakistan as part of a bad policy led by the military intelligence service of high rank, Inter-Services Intelligence.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam



Prisoners Swap: Hamas handed over Gilad Sahlit to Egyptian Authorities(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---An Israeli television broadcast the first images of the free Israeli soldier GiladShalit on Tuesday, show wearing a black baseball cap and gray shirt, while being escorted by masked men.

Israel said the brief video from Channel 2 of the Egyptian state television. It was the first video of Gilad Shalit since 2009.

In the video, Shalit appeared pale and thin, but healthy. He was held in both arms and escorted by a group of masked men in civilian clothes and a white van.

Palestinian prisoners bus were also beginning to move from Israel to Egypt en route to Gaza. The leaders of the Red Cross and Egypt are involved in facilitating the movement of prisoners.

Israel must release Palestinian prisoners to 477, with witnesses and a first batch to reach Gaza. Another 550 Palestinians were scheduled to be releasedlater this year in a prisoner exchange agreement, which is to develop a series of releases in stages, each triggering the next.

Mahmoud Zahar, Hamas leader in Gaza, before a text message sent to theAssociated Press saying that the militant group had officially become Shalit, who was 19 at the time of his capture and is now 25.

"The captured soldier transfer process is underway," said Abu Mujahid, Hamasally group, the Popular Resistance Committees, helped capture Shalit in across-border raid in June 2006.

A Hamas military source told Reuters that Shalit was taken across the borderfrom the Gaza Strip in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, where he was handed over to Egyptian authorities, which led to Israel's Vineyard border crossing Peace ina short distance along a deserted road.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 


Friday 14 October 2011

The Gorillaz-Feel Good (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- This only took about a day to finish. I didn't do as good of a job as some of my others, but it's pretty good, don't you think? I actually used a different font other than the regular one and I used a different color. I tried to dedicate it to all of the people that I could remember form my past videos, so if you didn't see your name, I recognize you here. 

For Jack: 
Windmill, windmill, for the land, 
Love forever hand in hand. 
Take it on in all your stride, 
It is sinking, falling down 

Love forever, love is free 
Let's turn forever, you and me. 
Windmill, windmill for the land,
is everybody in?

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Investigations are underway in California Salon's firing case(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Seal Beach, California - Scott neighbors Dekraai considered one of the friendliest people on the block, a man who invited them to begin to pool parties, playing with his son in his yard. Friends of his ex-wife, although she said lived in fear of the man now accused of spraying her and seven other people at the hair salon where she worked.

He suffered from the syndrome of post-traumatic stress of a 2007 tractor accident that left his leg torn off and a fallen comrade. His marriage to Michelle Fournier, collapsed even before, and the dispute was over his 7-year-old son is still in full swing on Wednesday when Dekraai Salon Meritage is accused of spraying with bullets.

Fournier was among the dead, his ex-wife. The show is popular with owners, Randy Fannin, also died.

Fournier friend, said Michael Warzybok pressed at a hearing Tuesday, a judge Dekraai to explain why he needed more time with his son demanded that the current custody order. Warzybok said to have found a court-appointed psychologist who has worked about 50-50 arrangement.

"All of a sudden, he did not get his way," said Warzybok who was interviewed by the psychologist working with employees Fournier.

Dekraai Fournier had also asked for coffee Wednesday to meet with the day of the shooting, but she refused.

Fournier had indicated to friends and court documents that she was afraid of her ex-husband. Her friend Sharyn White said a few weeks before the murders, they told him that the room Dekraai stopped and threatened to kill her and others.

White, who also Dekraai step aunt said, Fournier told her, she took the threat seriously, even if others in the room laughed at him. Fournier said she had also told her that if she was still married Dekraai once held a gun to his head.

There is no evidence that Fournier requested a temporary restraining order against her ex-husband, while other friends she was afraid to accept.

"A month ago, she told me how she was afraid and I offered to hire bodyguards," said Tim Terbush, a longtime friend. He said she refused because she was afraid that no Dekraai angrier.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


Megan Fox is still the most prettiest lady of US (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Megan Fox is still the most important Armani Beauty.

The blue-eyed 25-year-old actress channels era 1950 Screen Siren Ava Gardnerin two new holiday-themed ads for Armani cosmetics line.

Despite the success of Fox as the face of last year for Emporio ArmaniUnderwear and Denim, it seems that the Italian has no interest in her body.

Mad About Megan Fox

She was recently abandoned in favor of pop singer Rihanna.

Rihanna, Esquire magazine recently crowned "Sexiest Woman Alive", was a short blonde wig for racy underwear and jeans campaign.

Fox was to evaluate the image and removes some of his trademark tattoos.

 Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam
