Thursday 8 December 2011

"Occupy Wall Street" protest prevails to the other parts as well (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Protests against the U.S. financial system and economic inequality in America broadcast on Thursday and found little sympathy from a senior official of one of the main targets of contempt - the Federal Reserve. 

Occupy the movement of Wall Street, which began in New York last month with a couple of people added to events in more than a dozen cities. 

These include Tampa, Florida, Trenton and Jersey City, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Norfolk, Virginia, in the East, Chicago and St. Louis in the Midwest, Houston, San Antonio and Austin, Texas, Nashville, Tennessee, and Portland, Oregon, Seattle and Los Angeles in the West. 

Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher has surprised a group of companies in Fort Worth, Texas, on Thursday when he said: "I am somewhat sympathetic - that will shock you." 

The Fed plays a major role in one of the targets of protest, the 2008 bailout of Wall Street that critics say banks make huge profits, while the average American has suffered high unemployment and insecurity. 

"We have too many people without work," Fisher said. "We have a very unequal distribution of income. We have too many people out of work too long. We have a very frustrated people, and I can understand their frustration." 

President Barack Obama and Joe Biden vice president also acknowledged the frustration and anger of the demonstrators Thursday. 

"People are frustrated and you know, the protesters are giving voice to a broad-based frustration about how our financial system works," Obama said at a news conference in Washington. 

Biden, speaking at the Ideas Forum in Washington, the protest against the Tea Party, life in the year 2009 jumped to Obama's election and has a base to help select powerful conservative force tens of Republicans in the office. 

"The American people do not think the system is fair," said Biden. (Reuters) 

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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