Wednesday 7 December 2011

Radiation emitting site found in Tokyo, Japan (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Our news reporter says people checked the hotspot radiation near a nursery school was discovered

High levels of radiation in a residential area of ​​Tokyo were discovered, according to Japanese officials.

The hotspot of Setagaya is more than 200 kilometers (124 miles) of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which was damaged by a tsunami in March.

Concern remains high about the possible effect of radiation on the drift.

The reading of 3.35 micro Sievert per hour higher than some areas in the evacuation area of ​​Fukushima, but officials said there was no danger to health.

The radiation was discovered on a sidewalk in Setagaya, at a height of about one meter, after a resident alerted the authorities concerned.

The road is regularly used by school groups, told the Kyodo news agency.Other areas of the road were affected.

The area was cordoned off as a precaution, but said the officials, there is no health risk.

A person who has remained throughout the city for eight hours a day for a year would receive a dose of about 17 millisieverts, Kyodo said - the government established the legal limit is 20 mSv per year.

"The readings were found in a very small area, and we will take steps to eliminate local residents," a spokesman for the community, Michio Hirasawa told Bloomberg.

Investigations are currently underway to determine what type of radioactive material is present and how the patch can be decontaminated performed.

Setagaya Mayor Nobuto Hosaka said floor washing with water is not distributed the source, but it was safe to go to the people, Reuters reported.

Officials believe contaminated rainwater can be collected on a roof before falling on the sidewalk. Radiation tests will now be carried out in 258 farms from the station, they said

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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