Tuesday 6 December 2011

Gaddafi's last stronghold 'Bin Walid' falls(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam----Fighters with the Provisional Government of Libya took the town of Bani Walid, firing shots into the air and the new flag-raising country in the center of one of the last bastions of supporters of Muammar Gaddafi.

A team from Reuters, which entered the heart of Bani Walid, in the hills of the desert 150 km (90 miles) south of Tripoli, saw no sign of resistance from supporters of the ousted leader was hidden inside the city for more than six weeks.

"Bani Walid is free. Is released, 100 percent, "said Mohammed Shakonah, a military commander with the National Transitional Council (CNT).

The apparent capture of Bani Walid led the new rulers of Libya is one step closer to being in full control of the majority, oil-producing country in North Africa almost two months after rebels entered in Tripoli and s' is over 42 years of a man by Gaddafi.

With Gaddafi's home town of Sirte, Bani Walid was one of the ultimate sources of Libyan armed resistance to the CNS.

Bursts of gunfire, fireworks and car horns were merged into a cacophony of streets full of empty casings and full of buildings damaged or destroyed by the fighting.

Some buildings were still in flames just before sunset on Monday, others were destroyed by NATO bombing. Many stores seem to have been looted. The thick black smoke rose in the distance.

Camouflage hunting NTC with an assault rifle AK-47 slung over his shoulder, took a health and men wept for joy.
"If Qaddafi could do this, give up," said Mr. Abdelfattah, another fighter NTC in the central square.

There was no evidence of civilians to participate in the celebrations of the street in Bani Walid, home to the Warfalla, the largest tribe in Libya, whose members are traditional supporters of Gaddafi.

"This is a very important day because today is Gaddafi did not even a city in Libya," said Ayad al Sayed Russi, a senior commander of the NTC. "We hope that residents who fled will return now that people are free."

The city was besieged for weeks, with hundreds of supporters of Gaddafi excavated valleys and steep hills to resist the advancing forces of the Provisional Government.

NTC officials had been negotiating with tribal leaders for their surrender Bani Walid.

In Sirte, where Gaddafi supporters were besieged for several weeks, there was little or no indication of the often disorganized NTC forces to advance on Monday. The chaos and confusion forced to retreat in some areas.

A doctor from Doctors Without Borders medical charity in the Sirte estimated that 10,000 people remain trapped in the town of 75,000 inhabitants. Many of them women and children, some are sick or injured.

Tanks and rockets NTC bombed a small area of ​​the center of Sirte, where they are trapped in the faithful remain to Gaddafi. Libya's new leaders say they will only begin the transition to democracy after the fall of the city.

Frustration is growing in the first line. Some wrestlers are angry that their commanders have asked for a big effort to take the rest of the city.

There is also anger NTC Misrata forces in the west and east of Benghazi, which have accused each other to hit their allies in the "friendly fire" incidents.

Posted BY: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ntc-forces-celebrate-capture-gaddafi-bastion-bani-walid...

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