Saturday 26 November 2011

Iran's nuclear program is advancing towards production of Atomic Bomb(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.....Installing Iran is preparing for the production of uranium weapons that would allow Tehran to move quickly to build its first nuclear weapon, according to the Government.

The officials expressed deep concern about the activity in the underground site of Qom, where he is installing centrifuges that can enrich uranium to the required density by an explosive device.

A United Nations report to be published next week will reveal details about the Iranian nuclear program, which the government hopes to persuade the nations doubt that Iran is on track to build a bomb and not, as only the creation of the nuclear energy only for civilian purposes or medical.

Will be published in the middle of tensions with Israeli cabinet is considering a military preemptive strike against nuclear facilities of Iran and military planners in the Pentagon and the Department of Defense refocus their attention on plans to attack Iran, after the conclusion of the NATO mission in Libya.

Referring to Qom, a Whitehall official said: "This is the aspect of the program, we are very, very concerned we do not see a credible explanation of the civil point of view.."

Iran has been forced to admit that the transfer of centrifuges for the site, which was exposed in 2009 after a joint intelligence operation in Britain, France and the United States.

The authority said the Iranian nuclear triple its capacity to produce 20 percent enriched uranium in Qom, saying it would be used for medical isotopes in a research reactor.

But according to Whitehall, the Iranians intend to produce four times the amount of isotope needed for reactor.

"It's a very technical argument, but it is very important," said an official.
Move from uranium enriched to 20 percent to 90 percent, the level required for weapons grade materials, is a relatively quick process. The site is also a small scale, actually built in tunnels, where civilian facilities are still housed centrifuge equipment sufficient for maximum production.

"They have lots of uranium and 20 percent offered to Qom under a mountain that could be quickly turned into weapons-grade material. We find this very disturbing and we hope that other countries understand this, "he said.

Washington is considering a ban on transactions with the Central Bank of Iran, having been angered by the revelation of an Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States.

"As a result, were quick to increase the effort," said a U.S. State Department official. "We continue to seek international support to continue to isolate the Iranian government."

A Western official said that the report of the International United Nations Atomic Energy Agency issued a "compelling case" that aspects of Iran's nuclear program is "illegals for nuclear purposes."

The report is not expected to conclude firmly that Iran has weaponized its nuclear program, but does not actually control any other conclusion possible, according to officials familiar with its findings.

A Western diplomat said Iran could build a bomb within a year or two, but not crucial but decided to "go out".

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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