Sunday 27 November 2011

Gaddafi's last moments video footage (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Moments before Muammar Gaddafi died. Gaddafi's final moments while he was still alive. A New video which shows violent, chaotic last moments, fighters beating him as they drag him away.

Later his body put on display in shopping centre freezer.

Warning: Graphic Footage

According to an official statement by the National Transitional Council, Gaddafi was shot before his capture and died from his wounds on route to Misrata.

Fighters at the scene said he was injured in the shoulder and leg when he was found. Blood also appears to be flowing from a head injury. So far reporters and human rights groups have been blocked from viewing the body but footage has emerged showing bullet wounds to the torso and head which may cast doubt on the statement released by the interim government.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam


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