Tuesday 29 November 2011

Adele - Set Fire to the Rain Lyrics (Mian Shakeel Asalm)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Song: Set Fire to the Rain 

Artitst: Adele 

All Rights Are to the Original Owners (not me) 

One of my favorites from Adele's latest album 21 

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. All is Adele's 

did the best I could do with the lyrics. Mistakes happen, if you find one feel free to drop it in the comment box. Enjoy!

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Asalm

Source:  www.youtube.com/

Britney Spear logged for Diana's snap in her visit to UK (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Britney Spears asked a photo of Princess Diana backstage at his concerts in the UK.

The 'Hold It Against Me "singer - who has the country in the last leg of hisfemme fatale hit - requested a photo of the late king, who died in 1997, andportions of fish and chips and 100 plums and figs.

A source said: "Britney loves the monarchy, Diana, in many ways was beyondhis inspiration, it has no calories if you are in England.".

Toothpaste, hamburger buns and McDonald toothpaste were also at least part of his rider before in London's The O2 last night (10.27.11).

Britney has already revealed he would like to do for his son, William, Diana, Prince and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge - who is 29th in a glittering ceremony in Westminster Abbey in London April married - if you want to comesee, while it is in the United Kingdom.

She said: "I am sure we are very, very busy, but if you could press that would be fantastic.

"It would be surprising if it was one of my concerts. That would be crazy cool. I think they are a beautiful couple."

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 

Source: http://www.musicrooms.net/rock-and-pop/42538-britney-spears-requested-princes...

Greek economy wasn't capable of adopting the euro currency: Nicolas Sarkozy (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---When the dust settled following the recent agreement was made to the euro zone to resolve the debt crisis, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, admitted it was a "mistake" was to take the Greeks participating in monetary union.
"To be clear, that was a mistake," Sarkozy told French television.

"Greece was in the € with the numbers that were wrong and the economy was not ready to accept the euro zone membership. It was a decision that was made in, I believe, 2001, for which we are now paying the consequences."

It has come to an agreement in Brussels on Wednesday, cut Greek debt, recapitalizing European banks and more than double the European Union's resources bailout fund to handle future sovereign defaults.

"This is good news we have an agreement," said the German Bank economist Gilles Moec. "If Europe sets their heads, they actually begin to cooperate."

However, speculation is rife about China's role in the success of the plan, with suggestions that will provide capital to strengthen the euro - a scenario that Sarkozy has no worries.

"If the Chinese, who have 60% of world reserves, which want to invest in euros instead of dollars, why reject it?" 'I asked.

China, the consensus of the EU summit, whose main elements are a 50% reduction in the value welcomes Greek government bonds to attract European bank recapitalization measures and plans to raise capital for already overburdened rescue European Fund Financial Stability Fund to reduce the debt of Greece from the current astronomical 160% of the current economic situation and 120% of the total economic output in the next 10 years.

China showed that, in your best interest, can contribute to a solution, but does not mention any concrete plan to do so.

"We believe that as the world's largest economy, the sustained, sound and healthy economy of the EU and the euro area is essential for global economic recovery," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu said in a conferencepress on Thursday. "We are also willing to cooperate with the EU in order to overcome the difficulty."

However, China will support the capacity of Europe depends on the reliability of a system to ensure Daokui, said Li, member of the Chinese Central Bank Monetary Policy, the Financial Times. "It is long-term interest and intrinsic China to help Europe as our main trading partner, but the Chinese government's main concern is how to explain this decision of our people," said Li.

Li added that China may tax incentives as a lever for Europe to criticize China's monetary policy, which is often undervalued and unfairly criticized China's exports benefit from the use of deterrence.

Europe aims to attract capital from sovereign wealth funds, particularly the developing countries like China and Russia, in addition to 440.000.000.000 € bailout fund, but analysts note that the structure of these investments is still unknown.

In a telephone conversation with Sarkozy on Thursday, Chinese President Hu Jintao made no mention of specific plans to invest in the system, but praised Europe's progress in resolving the debt crisis.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/28/business/eu-debt-china/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Samsung shuns behind its rival Apple in smartphones sale (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam---Samsung will obsolete the world's largest supplier of smartphones AppleJuly to September.

Strategy Analytics research has shown that Samsung sold 27.8 millionsmartphones in the three months compared with 17.1 million and $ 16.8 millionfrom Apple, Nokia.

The adviser said that the growth of Apple customers waiting for the launch ofnew iPhone 4S was hampered.

Apple number four slot in mobile phone sales was taken from China's ZTE.

Nokia is the manufacturer of mobile terminals with a market share of 27.3%, Samsung and LG with 22.6% followed by 5.4%.

ZTE rose 4.7%, Apple dropped to fifth place with 4.4%.

The report came shortly after the launch of Samsung results for third quarterprofits fall 23% eclipsed the strong growth in its mobile phone business due to poor performance in the group of memory chips has been demonstrated.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15489523



Sunday 27 November 2011

Boy recovered alive from the quake debris after 2 days (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Researchers in the limelight on Wednesday took a 18-year-old University of theruins of a house 61 hours after a devastating earthquake rocked eastern Turkey.

There are small cameras mounted on poles to find Eyup Erdem and broke into applause when he made ​​the rubble of a building in the town of Ercis, most inthe 7.2 earthquake that caused drawn on Sunday affected.

The state news agency Anatolian said Erdem was wounded and was treated at a hospital.

The student, who had moved to Erciş a month to study mechanics at the University, was the last one pulled alive from the rubble as rescuers workedfeverishly against the clock to find survivors.

The earthquake has killed at least 459 people. Health Ministry officials said 40 people were pulled Com Seraceddin alive from collapsed buildings on Tuesday.

Including a 2-week-old, took half naked, but alive from the rubble of a house for 48 hours after the earthquake. His mother and grandmother were also rescued, but his father was gone.

Survivors at a hospital in the provincial capital, told of his anguish Van treatswaiting to be rescued.
"We're holding our breath, we were thirsty Eventually we saw rescue workers to remove dirt They said.." Wait five minutes, let us out. But save us from this day, "said Omer Yildiz Reuters.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45041798/ns/world_news-europe/#.TqfCGpuPX-U

President Obama is expected to announce bail out package for student today(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Million student loan borrowers have the right to lower your payments and consolidating your loans under a plan announced by President Barack Obama on Wednesday said the White House.

Obama Executive Order to provide student loan relief in two ways.

First, is accelerated by the Congress approved a measure that reduces the maximum repayment of student loans each year, 15 percent of disposable income by 10 percent. The White House wants to come into force in 2012, instead of 2014th addition, the White House says that the remaining debt would be forgiven after 20 years instead of 25 could be affected more than 1.6 million borrowers.

Second, allow borrowers who have loans from both the Program Family Education Loan, and a direct government loan to consolidate into one loan. The consolidated loan would be less than half a percentage point. This could be 5.8 million more borrowers.

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told reporters on a conference call that the changes could save borrowers hundreds of dollars per month.

"The real savings that will help these graduates begin their careers and help them earn a living are," said Duncan.

Obama is expected to present his plan at a stop in Denver. The White House said the changes would have no additional costs to taxpayers.

Last year the Democrats controlled Congress passed a law which reduced the top and move all student loans for direct loans to banks as intermediaries to remove. Previously, borrowers of loans or loans directly to the government-backed Loan Program for Family Literacy, which were issued by private lenders, but basically to get insured by the government. The bill was left with health reform, with the expectation that they could save more than $ 60000000000 for more than a decade.

Today there are 23 million borrowers with $ 490 billion in loans under the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Last year, the Department of Education $ 102.2 billion in direct loans to 11.5 million beneficiaries.

Outside of mortgages, student loans are the No. 1 source of household debt, said the White House.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45039424/ns/politics-white_house/#.TqfCD5uPX-U

Gaddafi's last moments video footage (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Moments before Muammar Gaddafi died. Gaddafi's final moments while he was still alive. A New video which shows violent, chaotic last moments, fighters beating him as they drag him away.

Later his body put on display in shopping centre freezer.

Warning: Graphic Footage

According to an official statement by the National Transitional Council, Gaddafi was shot before his capture and died from his wounds on route to Misrata.

Fighters at the scene said he was injured in the shoulder and leg when he was found. Blood also appears to be flowing from a head injury. So far reporters and human rights groups have been blocked from viewing the body but footage has emerged showing bullet wounds to the torso and head which may cast doubt on the statement released by the interim government.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: www.youtube.com/

Funny excerpts from the life of Nawab Aslam Raisani CM Baluchistan (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam--- Video footage contains some funny and interesting moments of CM Baluchistan Nawab Aslam Raisani. Watch and enjoy.....


Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: www.youtube.com

Saturday 26 November 2011

Sex allegations don't disturb Herman Cain campaign at all (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam....Republicans in early voting states seem to Herman Cain for the benefit of the doubt.

However, nearly a week after the revelation that he was accused of sexual harassment in the 1990s, they say they need more time before sentencing.

The scandal claims shows no sign of relief, even if it remains a question whether the presidential campaign of President of the former restaurant chainwill be affected at least two months before the first contest of 2012 is scheduledappointment in Texas .

Interviews with more than two dozen activists of the Republican Party of Iowa,New Hampshire and South Carolina suggest that there is no immediate dangerof Cain. But questions persist while other candidates for the runner voter support.

The allegations follow weeks of new questions about the tax proposal of Cainand opposition to abortion rights.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/accusations-not-yet-costing-cain-early-states-075003312...

Violence and killings by "Boko Haram" activists in Nigeria, Many killed, dozens injured(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.....At least 63 people died in attacks and weapons in the northeast of the city Damaturu Nigerian Red Cross said.

Witnesses said the bombs hit several targets, including churches and the offices of the State Police in Yobe.

The militant Islamic group Boko Haram told a newspaper that was behind the attack and prepared to attack government targets additional.

A Nigerian journalist told the BBC he had personally counted about 100 bodies.

"I saw 97 bodies in the morgue," said Aminu Abubakar, who is in Damaturu,.

"But an official involved in the evacuation said he had 150 bodies, although some were taken by their relatives," he said.

President Goodluck Jonathan was "very concerned" about the attack and said his government was working hard to bring the "determined to derail the peace and stability in the country to make a reservation," said a spokesman.

A series of attacks on security forces in the nearby city of Maiduguri were also recently attributed to Boko Haram.

Nigerian Red Cross official Damaturu Bulama Ibrahim, told the BBC at least 63 people died there.

He said two people died in attacks elsewhere. News agencies said the nearby town of Potiskum was also attacked.

BBC Jonah Fisher, in the main commercial city of Nigeria, Lagos, said the attack appears to be more bloody strike Boko Haram to date.

A local government official, quoted by AFP news agency Damaturu that hundreds of wounded were treated at the hospital.

Witnesses said the attacks began on Friday at 6:30 p.m. (1730 GMT) and lasted about 90 minutes.

Armed men engaged in clashes with security forces.

"Church on Fire"
A Catholic priest told our correspondent in his church was burned and eight other churches attacked.

Continue reading the main story
Boko Haram: Chronology of terror

2002: Founded
2009: Hundreds killed when police stormed stations Maiduguri
2009: head of Boko Haram Mohammed Yusuf captured by the army, he went to the police later found dead
September 2010: Hundreds of prisoners released from prison in Maiduguri
December 2010: Jos bombed, killing 80 people and charged with assaulting a New Year's Eve at the headquarters in Abuja
2010-2011: Dozens killed in shootings in Maiduguri
May 2011: bombed several states, after the inauguration of President
June 2011: police headquarters in Abuja bombed
August 2011: the UN headquarters in Abuja bombing
He described youth gangs roam the streets throwing improvised bombs in churches.

The attacks came after a triple suicide bombing in Maiduguri barracks in the neighboring state of Borno.

Military officials said the three attackers were killed.

Boko Haram, which means "Western education is prohibited", launched frequent attacks on police officers and government.

A spokesman for the group known as the Contact Daily Trust Nigeria to say who perpetrated the attacks in Maiduguri and Damaturu.

"We will continue to attack the formations of the federal government until the security forces to stop the excesses of our members and civilians vulnerable," he said.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-15605041

Violence in Syria despite the peace plans by Arab League: 23 Killed many injured (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.......Violence erupted in Syria on Saturday, killing at least 28 people, activists said. The Arab League condemned the violence and warned of a crisis in the region if the Syrian government does not comply with an agreement on Wednesday with the group to "stop violence" and allow outside observers in the country.

Opposition groups reported explosions, shelling and heavy machine gun on Saturday in the western city of Homs Syria, an outbreak of anti-government and government repression. At least 23 people died there, local coordination committees of Syria, he said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, another militant group, the number of victims of Homs to 11 earlier in the day.
The demonstrations took place Saturday in several cities, including Idlib, Daraa, Deir ez-Zor, and a suburb of the capital Damascus, the CEC said. At least four people died in Hama and Idlib, the LCC said.

The LCC said Friday that more than 3,800 people died in Syria since protests against the government erupted in March in the movements of mid-spring that shook the Arab Middle East and North Africa. President Bashar al-Assad and other Syrian officials have blamed the violence on outside forces trying to undermine the rule of 40 years of the president's family.

A resident of Homs, who asked that her name be used to protect your security, said the shooting began Friday and continued military aviation in Bab Amr, a nearby town. He said he could hear the activity of his house and was afraid to go on the street.

Massive explosions and heavy shelling by tanks and artillery were also held in Homs, according to the CDC, an opposition group that organizes events and documents.

Violence is the last of a nearly eight-month uprising in Syria. It all started with a call for elections and end the abuses committed by security forces, but became widespread and persistent calls for the eviction of the al-Assad demonstrations and government repression intensified.

Syria agrees to end the repression of the incursions of Syria in Lebanon

Reports of violence came a day after a doctor told Homs 126 bodies had been taken to hospital in recent days. The doctor declined to be identified for fear of reprisals by government forces.
The bodies, eight of which were burned, not identified. The doctor said his death was not reported by the media managed by the State.

The medical report was widely supported by members of the LCC Kabbani Saleem. Kabbani, CNN always reliable in the past, cited three sources as saying that about 100 unidentified bodies had been taken to hospital these days.

Kabbani, said the source including a person who was involved in the transportation of bodies, a witness who saw the bodies where they were found, and a witness inside the hospital.
He said no bodies were found in the fear that this could lead to sectarian violence.

The Agency government-run Syrian Arab News said 22 people were killed by the military hospitals carried out for burial. The victims - civilian and military personnel and security forces - were killed by "armed terrorist groups in Homs, Damascus and Daraa campaign while on duty," SANA said Saturday.

Syria has also announced the release of 553 prisoners "without blood on their hands," SANA said. The move coincides with the feast of Eid al-Adha, the feast that marks the climax of the pilgrimage, the Muslim year pilgrimage.to Mecca.

Media could not independently verify the accounts.

The Syrian government promised Wednesday to the Arab League that the withdrawal of their forces to liberate the prisoners and allow outside observers into the country, but opposition activists said the security forces deployed in force after the prayer Friday, around mosques to prevent demonstrations and assistance to disperse the crowd shots.

Arab League chief Nabil al-Araby met Saturday with the Member States to discuss the next steps in relation to the ongoing conflict.

The Arab ministers of the league said the moderate group a "national dialogue" after two weeks.
Syria has made previous commitments to withdraw its forces from civilian areas, but in some cases, retired from the armored and infantry units left in place or returned after the withdrawal of short duration. He also made other measures to defuse the protests, including plans to draft a new constitution, but failed to appease the protesters.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/05/world/meast/syria-unrest/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

Iran's nuclear program is advancing towards production of Atomic Bomb(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.....Installing Iran is preparing for the production of uranium weapons that would allow Tehran to move quickly to build its first nuclear weapon, according to the Government.

The officials expressed deep concern about the activity in the underground site of Qom, where he is installing centrifuges that can enrich uranium to the required density by an explosive device.

A United Nations report to be published next week will reveal details about the Iranian nuclear program, which the government hopes to persuade the nations doubt that Iran is on track to build a bomb and not, as only the creation of the nuclear energy only for civilian purposes or medical.

Will be published in the middle of tensions with Israeli cabinet is considering a military preemptive strike against nuclear facilities of Iran and military planners in the Pentagon and the Department of Defense refocus their attention on plans to attack Iran, after the conclusion of the NATO mission in Libya.

Referring to Qom, a Whitehall official said: "This is the aspect of the program, we are very, very concerned we do not see a credible explanation of the civil point of view.."

Iran has been forced to admit that the transfer of centrifuges for the site, which was exposed in 2009 after a joint intelligence operation in Britain, France and the United States.

The authority said the Iranian nuclear triple its capacity to produce 20 percent enriched uranium in Qom, saying it would be used for medical isotopes in a research reactor.

But according to Whitehall, the Iranians intend to produce four times the amount of isotope needed for reactor.

"It's a very technical argument, but it is very important," said an official.
Move from uranium enriched to 20 percent to 90 percent, the level required for weapons grade materials, is a relatively quick process. The site is also a small scale, actually built in tunnels, where civilian facilities are still housed centrifuge equipment sufficient for maximum production.

"They have lots of uranium and 20 percent offered to Qom under a mountain that could be quickly turned into weapons-grade material. We find this very disturbing and we hope that other countries understand this, "he said.

Washington is considering a ban on transactions with the Central Bank of Iran, having been angered by the revelation of an Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States.

"As a result, were quick to increase the effort," said a U.S. State Department official. "We continue to seek international support to continue to isolate the Iranian government."

A Western official said that the report of the International United Nations Atomic Energy Agency issued a "compelling case" that aspects of Iran's nuclear program is "illegals for nuclear purposes."

The report is not expected to conclude firmly that Iran has weaponized its nuclear program, but does not actually control any other conclusion possible, according to officials familiar with its findings.

A Western diplomat said Iran could build a bomb within a year or two, but not crucial but decided to "go out".

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/8870653/Iranian-nuc...

Kim Kardashian succeeded in deceiving the paparazzi photographer (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam....Kim Kardashian was at the end, sources tell TMZ near KK, and has a great dayyesterday in Los Angeles to conceal their true location.

Kim's arrival at the airport caused mass hysteria among the paparazzi (see below). According to our sources, the udder Kim crawled to the airport - but they do not suspect ... Kim launched a Switcheroo, changing cars halfway, andthe disappearance of a secret hideout.

We are told that Kim stays inside until it begins filming on the "marriage counselor" Tyler Perry movie. This means that Kim was the birthday dinner for his mother ... and his brother-in-law's birthday dinner Lamar Odom too.

Our sources say that care about him, because divorce is too much for her ...and poses little until it disappears.

We are told that his family and some close friends know where you are.

As mentioned above, Kim has even banned all filming reality show during thedivorce.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/05/kim-kardashian-divorce-hiding/#.TrX_zPSPVfs




Turkey jolted by fresh earthquake shocks(Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam...At least five people died and more than 100 people were buried under the rubble of a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in eastern Turkey on Wednesday night, authorities said.
The death toll reached Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay, who spoke to reporters during his visit to the disaster area. He said the death occurred when two hotels collapsed. Another 20 people were rescued from collapsed structures, he said.

A total of 25 buildings collapsed, but 22 of them were empty since an earthquake devastated parts of Turkey 7.2 of this, including the area around Van, 23 October. Earthquake last month killed more than 500 people.

Eighteen people were rescued, told CNN Turk, who was a journalist in the region.
The epicenter was 16 kilometers (9 miles) south of the city of Van, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and its depth was 4.8 kilometers (3 miles). The earthquake occurred at 21:23 (14:23 ET), said.

DHA, a media correspondent in Turkey, reported that two of its reporters were buried under the rubble. Twitter posts of its journalists, said they were alive.

Van DHA video showed residents and rescue workers pulling a man from the rubble on the stretcher, apparently conscious and use an oxygen mask, his arms folded across his chest.
It was not immediately clear if the man was one of the journalists of DHA.

Projectors bathed the scene of the night as dozens of people combing the wreckage of what appeared to be a multistory building. Front loader hands over large pile of crushed concrete.
Five aircraft have been prepared in Ankara Van rescuers, according to news agency Anadolu. The agency also reported a 4.4 magnitude aftershock.

Parts of eastern Turkey, including the area around Van, were devastated by an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 on October 23 that killed more than 500 people.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/09/world/turkey-earthquake/index.html



Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi will resign soon (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.......Italian Silvio Berlusconi, will retire "within days", the country's president, said.

Napolitano said he wanted to "dispel any doubt or misunderstanding" in which the Prime Minister will keep his promise to resign.

He also said there would be no delay in the adoption of economic reforms demanded by the partners in Italy, the euro area.

His comments came after the country's financial crisis worsened with the increase in bond yields 7%.

This rate is widely regarded as unsustainable.

Berlusconi announced his decision to resign Tuesday after appearing to lose its parliamentary majority in a vote on the budget and mid growing concern that Italy could be the next victim of the debt crisis in the euro area.

Berlusconi calendar:

Born September 29, 1936
1973: Lance local cable television Telemilano equipment, precursor of the empire Mediaset
1993: He founded the political party Forza Italia
Prime Minister from 1994 to 1995, 2001-06 and since 2008
May 2009: second wife, Veronica Lario files for divorce after being publicly accused of siding with minors
December 2009: Assaulted in public after rally in Milan
In pictures: Berlusconi in politics
Profile: Silvio Berlusconi
Profiles: the possible successors to Berlusconi
British documents on the legacy of Berlusconi
Relief and concern in the Italian press
Mr. Napolitano stated that the financial stability law incorporates the reforms would be approved within days, after which they consult to end the crisis.

"In short, if a new government was formed ... or dissolve Parliament to immediately begin a campaign," said Napolitano, according to Reuters.

He said that Italy would not take "an extended period of inactivity and parliamentary politics."

Italian media quoted sources as saying that the final approval of the reform could come as early as Saturday, AFP reported.

The president also proposed to the former European Commissioner, Mario Monti, as a senator for life.

The movement has led some to speculate he was preparing the way for his eventual appointment of Mr. Monti as Prime Minister.

BBC Europe editor Gavin Hewitt, in Rome, made it clear that the political difficulties ahead.

And even if the current crisis Ebbs, fundamental problems remain - a country of sluggish growth and a mountain of debt 1.9tn euros (£ 1.63tn, $ 2.6tn), our correspondent.

Earlier, Berlusconi said: "I will resign as soon as the legislation is passed ... I see the elections to be held in early February, and I will not hold for them."

The yield on the benchmark 10-year Italian bonds last rose 7% despite the statement by Mr. Berlusconi, who has raised concerns about whether Italy can not pay their debts.

This is the highest rate since the euro was established in 1999. In comparison, the cost of Germany's 10-year loans is 1.73%.

Meanwhile, an EU team was in Rome on Wednesday to begin monitoring how Italy plans to reduce its growing debt.

Economic Affairs, Olli Rehn said he presented the results at the end of November in Italy called the situation "very worrying".

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15668873

Madonna's solo leaked online (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.....Demo version of Madonna's new single is online.

Madonna's new single was leaked online.

A rough "Gimme All Your Love" demo appeared on the Internet last night(08.11.11), which apparently will feature the singer, yet untitled album.

The single also rumored to be with rappers Nicki Minaj and MIA, a dance-popsound, as opposed to hard-edged, hip-hop influences from his latest album of2008 'Hard Candy'.

The singer, 53, is rumored to be playing in the Super Bowl in the U.S. on February 5 next years, which is expected to debut the new single.

A spokesman for the singer refused to confirm or deny the reports.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://www.musicrooms.net/rock-and-pop/42935-new-madonna-single-leaks-online....



Guns N' Roses - Paradise City (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam......Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Paradise City. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 3,424,935. (C) 1988 Guns N' Roses under exclusive license to Geffen Records..

Enjoy this beautiful number by Guns n Roses:

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: www.youtube.com/

Thursday 24 November 2011

Madonna's solo leaked online (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.....Demo version of Madonna's new single is online.

Madonna's new single was leaked online.

A rough "Gimme All Your Love" demo appeared on the Internet last night(08.11.11), which apparently will feature the singer, yet untitled album.

The single also rumored to be with rappers Nicki Minaj and MIA, a dance-popsound, as opposed to hard-edged, hip-hop influences from his latest album of2008 'Hard Candy'.

The singer, 53, is rumored to be playing in the Super Bowl in the U.S. on February 5 next years, which is expected to debut the new single.

A spokesman for the singer refused to confirm or deny the reports.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: http://www.musicrooms.net/rock-and-pop/42935-new-madonna-single-leaks-online....



Guns N' Roses - Paradise City (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam......Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Paradise City. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 3,424,935. (C) 1988 Guns N' Roses under exclusive license to Geffen Records..

Enjoy this beautiful number by Guns n Roses:

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source: www.youtube.com/

Tips By Mian Shakeel Aslam How to creat Access database

Mian Shakeel Aslam : Here is the attached video helps you to creat Access data base


Posted by : Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2R3x9NWOD0

Tips By Mian Shakeel Aslam How to creat a website

Mian Shakeel Aslam : In this video we give you a little hint of making websites



Posted By :  Mian Shakeel Aslam

Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B_q_EiVHI

Tips By Mian Shakeel Aslam How to creat a form in MS Access

Mian Shakeel Aslam : Following video describes that how to make a form.


Posted By : Mian Shakeel Aslam
